Principal's News 

All students attending St Louis de Montfort's Aspendale have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a fundamental responsibility of all within our school.


St Louis de Montfort  is Celebrating 60 years 

Good afternoon families,


I hope you have all had a good week and can relax over this weekend. Thank you for all the support you have shown to the classroom teachers, the Learning Support Officers, office staff and the Leadership team. I feel that we have made such a positive start to 2025.



Thank you to the 16 parents who turned up to the first PFA meeting of the year. It was a lovely opportunity for parents to get together and introduce themselves to each other.

A number of events have been planned for 2025 and we have a number of parents who have volunteered to be Level co-ordinators and class reps.

We will put out the events calendar in next's week newsletter under a PFA page. I will also send out an operoo with the level co-ordinators and class reps and ask for volunteers to fill the positions not yet filled.

Level co-ordinators and parent reps are not expected to attend any meetings. The co-ordinators help organise one event for the year with the help of all the parents in their level. 

The class reps help organise parents dinners within their class, help organise teachers birthday presents (if this is what the parents want to do ) and any other little jobs that may pop up.

Please help fill all the vacancies and add your support to the school's events.


Parent Contact Lists for classes

An operoo was sent out to all parents asking if you are happy to be part of the contact list that will be shared with the other parents in your child's class. You are most welcome to opt out if you do not want your contact information shared.


Prep/Year 6 Welcome mass

Sunday 23 February at 10.30 am has been moved to St Louis. If the weather is good we will have mass on the oval, so I remind you to bring a picnic rug and/ or camp chairs. If we move into the hall due to poor weather we will still try to have a picnic atmosphere.


School Photos - Tuesday 4 March 

On Tuesday 4 March the students will have school photos.

All students must wear full summer uniform even if Tuesday is their sport day. 


Preps full time 

Our prep students will begin full time school in the week Monday 3 March.


School Closure - Tuesday 11 March 

The school will be closed on Tuesday 11 March. The staff will be participating in a Professional Learning Day.

The teachers will be continuing with the work on the Science of Learning and the MACS Vision for Instruction.


NAPLAN 2025 

NAPLAN for the Year 3 and Year 5 students will begin on  17- 24 March. The NAPLAN assessments will be ran across this period of time and will not be every day. Your class teachers will put the NAPLAN timetable in your class newsletter page.


Enjoy the coming week.


Carmel Stutterd