School Council 

School Council Membership 2023/2024

Parent members

  • Daniel Bevz
  • Rick Bottiglieri - Vice President
  • Fiona Limoli 
  • Tom Rundle - Treasurer
  • Brian Stanley - President
  • Robert Thorp
  • Laura Tripp

 DET members

  • Lauren Klymenko
  • Lisa McLachlan
  • Jarrod Sutton - Executive Officer
  • Sandra Monaghan  - School Council Secretary

School Council Meeting 28th August 


Council were presented with a Principal’s report from Jarrod and reports from each sub committee (Junior School Council, Resources, Education, Environment and Community Engagement).


Highlights of the meeting are presented below;


Principals Report

Jarrod provided an update across a wide variety of topics; future enrolment numbers, student transition plans (kinder and Grade 6), staffing and capital works (refer below).

Part of the discussion also focussed on ways the school can continue to improve the relationship between parents, teachers and the broader school community.

Whilst some ideas were discussed for consideration, the school would like to encourage parents to connect with your teacher or Jarrod should you have any questions or concerns regarding your child.


Junior School Council

Juliet & Angus (Room 11) attended the meeting and presented on the following; 

  • The process of collecting feedback from students regarding new playground designs.
  • Plans for Show Day and in particular how the students plan to minimise the environmental impact. 
  • Ways in which time on the basketball court can be fairly shared amongst all students during recess and lunch breaks.

Resource Committee

Parent voluntary contribution arrangements for the 2024 year were discussed and approved.


Community Engagement

Upcoming information sessions were confirmed, along with the next round of fundraising activities  (Referendum vote and Parent Social Event).


Education Committee

Preliminary NAPLAN and Student Survey results were presented to council, which included the new NAPLAN proficiency levels.  

Due to this measurement change in proficiency levels, further time is required to understand the school’s performance relative to its strategic plan.


School Works

Council received an update on the capital works program which is expected to provide some amazing learning environments for students.  Whilst some disruptions are expected as a result of the capital works, Council were presented with the wide range of actions the school is undertaking to minimise the impact to students.  


Importantly, Council were also presented with detailed landscaping and playground plans for the new little and big adventures.  Students have played a pivotal role in the design process and we look forward to seeing this realised in 2024.  


Please feel free to contact a School Council Member should you have any questions.


Robert Thorp

School Council Member


The next School Council meeting will be held on Monday 23rd October

School Council meetings:


Education 9th October

Resources  17th  October

School Council 23rd October


Education 6th November

Resources 14th November

School Council 27th November


Resources 12th December

School Council 18th December