School Wide Positive Behaviour Support

Welcome to the page in the Newsletter where we celebrate student success.
What are we looking for?
We are looking for students who are demonstrating our school values. These behaviours are all listed in our Naranga School Expectations Matrix.
^Click the matrix above for a closer look.
*Maddison (JMCF): being a learner
*David (JMAL): being a learner.
*Jackson (JEGA): being responsible
*Dylan (JEGA): being responsible
*Emily (SPAL): for a positive and enthusiastic start to Outdoor Ed.
*Hunter *(SWAL): for being friendly, safe and respectful in Outdoor Ed.
*Alice (SPAL): for being a great role model in Outdoor Ed.
*Xavier B (SSMC): for outstanding and positive start to Outdoor Ed.
*Jayke (SWAL): for outstanding work on Outdoor Ed - very respectful and enthusiastic.
*Thomas W (PMMC): for great work in his Cert 1.
*Trystin (PMCC): for great work in his Cert 1.
*Bella (SPAL): for an amazing job at her work experience.
*Xavier P (PPIA): for excellent attendance improvement.
This week will be back next week.
This week’s friendship cup goes to Lennon and Jake R. Jake became upset after losing a game of Bingo. Lennon consoled Jake and asked him if he would like to go to the office to see Bruce. Lennon walked Jake to the office to help. Well done Lennon and Jake!
Naranga School has been part of the Aussie of the Month Program for over 10 years! Want to learn a little bit more about what an 'Aussie of the Month' award mean. Watch the clip below.
Jayden (JMAS)
Jayden has made an improvement in all areas of his learning at Naranga. He is a popular student who likes to give hi-5s to his classmates and is learning to play with others in the classroom and the yard. Jayden has increased his independence in following the classroom learning programs and expectations. Well done Jayden for being a safe, respectful, responsible, learner!