Principal's Report
Principal: Brendan Millar
Principal's Report
Principal: Brendan Millar
In this week’s newsletter
Congratulations and Appreciations
Coming Up
In Other News
Welcome Back!
It has been Welcome Back Week at FWPS. We had a very positive staff day on Tuesday. Due to space constraints because of our BIG BUILD, the morning session took place under the green shade sail, where leadership introduced our key focus of aligning our school values with consistent expectations for learning and social behaviours, the key framework derived from the Berry Street Education Model and supported by relevant resourcing.
Yesterday was a bright start to term for students in grades 1 - 6. It was calm, too, considering the erection of fencing and loss of space within the yard since when the kids were last onsite. As communicated via Compass yesterday, we have noted a bottle neck at the corner of Koala and Wallaby where the grade 4 students are now assembling at the start of the day. We request parents and carers exiting our school to Argyle St do so via the main gate rather than the crossing gate, as this caused a clash as the grade 4 team began moving to the Koala ramp. We have also decided to open the gates a tad later in the afternoon as our PE program now needs to be run outside at all times weather allows, so having the play spaces free from interruption will be an important requirement to establish from the start of the school year.
New to FWPS
We also specifically welcomed new and returning members of staff. New teachers joining us this year are: Annie McNeill, Ella Pepper, Drew Murphy and Hayley McAlinden. We are pleased that new teachers (with the exception of Annie) have already spent significant time with us at Through School Transition Day and in some cases additional training days. Annie, who was recruited internationally, was still travelling back to Australia, so we are delighted to see her join us setting up her room last week and completing compliance processes in order to be ready to start with her grade 2 class this week.
We also have brand new class based educational support staff: Adele Coone and Dayle Tyrrell joining the wonderful ES team this week. Additionally, we are pleased to have Shannon Mason and Caity Gray return after 12 months official leave (but nevertheless having both returned at times as CRTs) and we welcome Jess Du Plessis back in a part time capacity from her year of family leave.
We also have welcomed some new students and families who we have met this week. We wish all our newcomers all the best for a great start at FWPS.
End of Year Acknowledgements Noted
On our last assembly during the last day of term last year, apart from the grade 6 awards that were acknowledged in the final newsletter and assembly, we also presented our annual Chris Goethel Environment award and the Marrung Leaders award. These were not acknowledged in the final newsletter of the year, as we did wish to ensure the presentations were a positive surprise for the recipients. Pictured are our two worthy and very proud award winners.
Hugo receiving the Marrung Award from
our Marrung convener, Tess.
Lucy receiving the Chris Goethel Enviromental Award from
Environment Team conveners, Michelle and Michael.
Preps Started Today
Today, it was our new Preps’ turn to shine as the starting stars! The first day of primary school is always a special one for families, and we’re thrilled to be a part of it. A big thank you to the Parents' Association for organising an afternoon tea to welcome all our Prep parents and carers before the (early) pickup. The Prep children will attend full-time starting tomorrow and for the next four weeks, except for Wednesdays when they will have 1:1 assessments with their classroom teachers.
Construction Works
Over the holiday break, our school grounds were transformed into a construction site with two separate projects underway. The largest of these is our own BIG BUILD, which will include a brand-new full-size basketball court, as well as dedicated spaces for music and food technology, and a new canteen. Once completed, the building will also house staff offices, along with student and staff bathroom facilities. Last Thursday, we shared the architect's renderings of the design and a map outlining the building's placement on our grounds with the community via Compass.
Our reduced space will involve substantial changes and construction challenges this year. While the following information has been shared late last year, it is perhaps worth summarising here, especially for our new families.
Our car park has become part of the construction site, so we will have no access to onsite parking, or the grounds via the car park. We will not have use of Gecko (due to be demolished), so there will not be an indoor gym, music room or canteen facilities for the entire year. Due to its proximity to the construction, Emu Corner (Their Care home base and performing arts) is also out of use for the school. In preparation for this situation, we have been planning for the many challenges throughout the second semester last year.
Physical Education and Sport - Our PE teacher, Stratos Tzanoudakis has worked closely with leadership and our maintenance staff member, Taleb to plan for a modified program as well as culling and re-housing resources. Stratos has located equipment in the Bilby meeting and storage room to prepare for a predominantly outdoor program in 2025. Modified lessons in the Dingo gallery space and classrooms will be utilised when necessary.
Music - Jane McCracken worked with our Soundgarage crew to remove and store the majority of music equipment in an offsite storage facility. Jane will be providing a classroom based, portable music program, resourcing that has been stored in the Bilby meeting room and that will be transported by pull cart. As she teaches at FWPS part time, music will be provided to the junior school in the first semester and senior school in the second semester.
Library - Our designated library space will be the location for a revamped library program this year provided by Shannon Mason. This will work in conjunction with the music program in terms of providing time release for classroom teachers to ensure that each teacher receives the appropriate periods on non face to face planning time, as per the current industrial agreement.
Their Care - Since late last year the OSHC program transitioned from Emu Corner and Gecko to the gallery space and kitchen in Dingo. This was also where the holiday program was based and will continue to be the location for OSHC for 2025. For families returning to Their Care, please enter the single pedestrian gate on Blandford St which will be open by 7am and conclude at 6.15pm daily. Please do not enter the school from Argyle Street.
Canteen - with no access to a canteen this year, we have contracted TK Tuckshop to provide a lunch delivery service on Wednesdays to Fridays weekly. Information for families was posted on Compass late last year and this information remains pinned on your landing page. The program will start next week. Please check out the Compass post if you wish to order food on the available days.
The concurrent January project involved the replacement of storm water drainage at the front and rear of the Wallaby building. The drainage issue is believed to be the main reason for ground subsidence which has caused cracking in the building. The final rectification involved concreting at the front of the school and replacement asphalt and synthetic turf along the eastern side of the building. The building will continue to be assessed periodically to ascertain what further steps may need to be taken.
Principal Team Members are Visiting Classes
Liz, Carolyn and I are in the process of visiting the classrooms to discuss some of our priorities especially relating to learning and behavioural expectations:
Aspects covered include:
Congratulations to Kim (Tong) and Brandon on the arrival of baby Zachary Yu-Jin Chhan, born on Friday, 27th December.
Appreciations to the many staff members who over the last couple of weeks of the holidays have been busy onsite preparing for an ideal start to the school year. Especially when considering that even getting into our school was quite a challenge due to the set up of the construction site and major repair works.
First Friday Assembly
This will be held from 2.40pm on Friday, 7th February (week 2). At this first assembly we will announce who the 2025 school captains are and hold our first grade assembly presentation. Remember that assemblies are held by preference outdoors at the green shade sail and if weather intervenes we will present assembly from the gallery space in Dingo and as a webcast to classrooms.
Swimming Trials
Swimming trials are held at the start of the school year (next Friday 7th February). Students in grades 4 - 6 are eligible and families have already received the relevant Compass invitation. As is clearly noted in the Compass post, this invitation is for accomplished competitive swimmers - squad standard - with a maximum of 56 places available. The trials will be held at Vic Uni pool and our participants will be transported by coach. The team will be formed following the trials and will compete at the Footscray Primary Schools’ Sport District Carnival on Friday of the following week (Friday, 14th February).
Curriculum Day
On Monday, 10th February (week 3) there will be no school for students due to the staff curriculum day being held to provide our third professional learning day, as we implement the Berry Street Education Model across the school over a two year roll out. While all staff last year participated in the 2 days of BSEM training, we will ensure that new and returning staff are able to participate in catch up sessions. This may involve your child’s teacher being absent from the classroom over 2 additional days this semester to enable this to happen. We anticipate that Their Care will run a full day care program on this day.
Parent/Carer Information Sharing Forums will be held afternoon/early evening in an online format for grades 1 - 6 during the week 3 of term. An in person opportunity for prep families will be provided during the day on the final Wednesday of February (Wed. 26th February). Look out for a specific post and booking link.
Grade 3 Zoo Snooze Camps will start in week 4 with 3MP (Marco’s class) attending. The remaining grade 3 Zoo Snooze camps will be held the following week.
School Photo Days - Please try and avoid student appointments if possible on Thursday, 20th February and Friday, 21st February. An information flyer is included in today’s newsletter. Please note that because of the lack of access to Gecko and the gallery space in Dingo (due to the OSHC program) we are unable to provide an after school sibling photo opportunity this year.
Inform and Empower - look out for the parent / carer launch at school on the evening of Thursday, 27th February.
Curriculum Contributions
A parent/carer payment contribution Compass post will be sent to all families early next week. We would appreciate your support in making this payment for each of your children as soon as possible.
School Council Membership Information
Each year we provide the opportunity for interested parents and staff members to consider joining our School Council. Our School Council team work wonderfully together for a shared and relevant purpose and are hopeful that current members who have completed a term and remain eligible will renominate again this year. We may have opportunities for new members to join as well. Please contact me via the office if you wish to chat about this.
Warm regards,