Junior School

Mr Tom Nash, Head of Junior School

The Junior Schooler’s are to be congratulated on a great term so far – the end of term quickly approaches, and everyone deserves a well-earned break! Collectively, there have been plenty of things to celebrate as a Junior School and there are some terrific examples of Year 7 and Year 8’s making the most of being a St Patrick’s College student. Like anything and anyone, there are always necessary improvements – we will continue working with the boys to support them in this. During this busy time of the term, I’ll take the liberty of thanking our parents and caregivers for the support of your son at St Patrick’s – it’s been a pleasure to work with you so far. Ill also take the opportunity to recognise the incredible efforts of all staff involved in the Junior School – thank you!

Year 7 Homeroom Leaders

We are excited to announce an opportunity for our Year 7 students to take on leadership roles within their Homeroom. The role of a Homeroom Leader is a significant one, as it involves representing their peers and contributing positively to the school community. Families with a son in Year 7 can expect communication on the application process in the coming days.

Live 4 Life: Mental Health First Aid

Across the last three weeks, our Year 8 students have engaged in the Live 4 Life initiative which involved three 90 to 120-minute sessions delivered by mental health first aid accredited trainers. 


Live4Life Ballarat was created in response to a reported increase from schools and agencies, in depression, anxiety, cyber bullying and self-harm which has led to the need for a coordinated response to address our young people’s mental health. The students are to be commended on their participation in the program and I look forward to presenting more than 210 of our Year 8 students with their official certificate in providing mental health first aid.

Year 7 & 8 assembly – Week 10

Next week, some members from Victoria Police will address our Junior School students on the important topic of Stranger Danger. Amid multiple reports of suspicious behaviour (notably an article in the newspaper last week about a situation a young person found themselves in at the end of the school day), I thought it appropriate to engage Victoria Police to discuss strategies in traumatic situations such as if a stranger approaches a young person. If you would like to discuss the contents of the assembly further, please do not hesitate to contact me. It is hoped that this proactive session will equip the boys with the skills to make informed decisions.

Term 3 Co-curricular program

The co-curricular program for our Junior School has been one of the highlights of Term 2. It brings me great happiness to see many students immersing themselves in the football program on a Wednesday night (shout out to the Year 7/8 Ryan House team), playing Badminton on Tuesday’s or having rehearsed and performed School of Rock. 


Potentially, the Term 3 co-curricular program is even better. Students have a plethora of options to pick from: basketball, soccer, rowing, cross country running, The Lion King Jnr (Year 7-9 production) and the recently added fishing club (among others) to have a go at. For the ultimate experience at St Patrick’s, involvement in the co-curricular program is strongly encouraged. Students can expect communication about this in the latter weeks of Term 2 or at the beginning of Term 3.

Grit Award Winners: Round 7 

Year 7Year 8
7A – Kevin Dan Sanju8A – Cam Gollan
7B – Christian Abadilla8B – Raf Pankhurst
7C – Harry Valenzuela8C – Tyler Simpson
7D – Brody Atkinson8D – Tully McLean
7E – Harry Murphy8E – Fletcher Garner
7F – Wullaki Holloway8F – Clayton Jeffrey
7G – Jack Fraser8G – Ollie Burt 
7H – Ryder Beattie8H – Will Steenhuis
7I – Jordan Korosec8I – Eddy Weyers

Recognising our Junior Schoolers

Is your son achieving remarkable things outside of school? Let us know!

Whether it's success in the arts, sports triumphs or community contributions, we want to celebrate his accomplishments.

Please share his milestones with us and let's inspire the College community together.

Please email me tnash@stpats.vic.edu.au with your news so we can ensure our students receive the recognition they deserve!


Tom Nash                              Margie Dodd & Jacinta Burge          Sam Cue & John Hearn

Head of Junior School            Year 7 Coordinators                       Year 8 Coordinators