Acting Deputy Principal

Ms Carol Roberts - Assistant Principal Learning Innovation

Year 7 2026 Enrolment Interviews

It has been an absolute delight to meet our many prospective students this week, as we commenced enrolment interviews for Year 7 2026. In my capacity as Acting Deputy Principal, it is truly gratifying to engage with young people and their families, discussing their aspirations and ambitions as future students at St Patrick's College. It is a genuine pleasure and honour.


Previously, we have conducted enrolment interviews early in Term 1 for the following year. This new initiative allows families to have the flexibility to arrange their interview well ahead of this, at any time or stage of the year that suits them. This means that families can have that confidence of knowing that their child is assured of their place at the College well in advance and can plan (and have peace of mind) knowing that their future is secure.

We welcome both current and new families with sons in primary school to set up a time to come and meet with us. We look forward to discussing how we can support your son in achieving his future dreams.


Years 9-11 Examinations

Today our Year 10-11 students commenced their Semester 1 examinations, which will continue throughout next week. Our Year 9 students will undertake their examinations on Thursday and Friday next week, whilst Years 7 and 8 students undertake their assessments during class time. Examinations and assessments provide students with the opportunity to identify some of their key strengths, along with areas of challenge within their own learning. They also provide teachers with information that allows them to better support students in their learning. 


At St Patrick's College, we value the opportunity for students to grow their knowledge, skills and capacity through the process of assessment. Importantly, student assessment provides opportunities for our teachers to check where their instruction was successful, or where further follow up and teaching might be appropriate. 


During the examination period, there is ample time and opportunity for students to undertake revision in readiness for the examinations and assessments. In classes students are supported with advice on establishing effective revision techniques, but we encourage all students to seek support from their teachers in how they can individually approach the process of revision.


Many students tend to gravitate towards less helpful revision strategies, such as cramming a single subject in a night, or re-reading notes. We know from educational research that when it comes to effective sequencing of revision, an interleaved approach is a better strategy. Instead of focusing on one topic at a time, interleaved practice involves mixing different topics or types of problems within a study session, which can be achieved by mapping out the weekly revision program and including multiple shorter sessions on different subjects each night. This has the added wellbeing benefit of managing any anxiety that might arise. When revision is well planned out, boys can schedule and take part in activities they enjoy and love to do, in the knowledge that they have dedicated time set aside for the important work of revision.


When it comes to revision strategies, instead of simply re-reading notes, we encourage students to undertake what are known as “active recall” strategies, which involve retrieving information from memory without relying on external cues. This could include self-quizzing (using flash cards, for example) or summarizing key concepts without looking at notes.


Parents can assist their children by helping them to construct a schedule or encouraging them to use one, as well as ensuring that boys are using more efficient and effective revision strategies or asking them questions from flashcards or a textbook. If you would like further support with this, please do not hesitate to reach out to your son’s Homeroom teacher or subject teacher, as well as members of the Enhanced Learning Team, Year Level Coordinators, or Heads of School. We are always happy to support your son in his learning journey.

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