Quick bites

Keeping you informed

Parents & Friends Meeting

Interested in joining our Parents & Friends working group? Don't forget to register for our first meeting, to be held in the Performing Arts Centre on Monday 24 June from 10.30am-11am.


Parents & Friends working groups offer a wonderful opportunity to engage with fellow parents and caregivers, while actively contributing to the College community. Your involvement and support are invaluable to us and participants do not require prior experience. 


If you cannot make the meeting but would like to be involved, please email community@stpats.vic.edu.au to register your interest. Otherwise, please click on the button below to book your attendance. We look forward to seeing you there! 


Australian Olympic Swim Trials

It's been a big week for Year 11 student Ed Meddings at the Australian Olympic Swimming Trials in Brisbane. Despite falling ill with the flu ahead of the trials, missing six days of training, Ed swam the 100m breaststroke on Monday and finished .90 of a second over his PB of 1.04.74. 

The result placed Ed just 1.87 seconds off a top 20 finish and the fifth fastest U/17 in the field. Ed also qualified for the 200m breaststroke on Friday. Well done, Ed!

Term Dates 2024

Term 3           

All Students Commence: Monday, 15 July

Boarders' Exeat: Monday, 19 August          

Classes Conclude: Friday, 13 September

VCE Practice Exams Monday, 16 September – Friday, 20 September


Term 4 

All Students Commence: Monday, 7 October

Boarders' Exeat: Monday, 4 November and Tuesday, 5 November (Melbourne Cup)

Classes Conclude: Tuesday, 10 December