Principal's Report
Dear families and friends of MPW,
Firstly, as you will have read in the last newsletter I am currently on Long Service Leave from yesterday until Friday 19th April. I have planned my leave at a time that will be least disruptive to the operation of the school. I am lucky to be travelling overseas with my family.
In my absence, Elisha Katsonis, our Assistant Principal, will be in charge ably supported by our professional team leaders. Elisha is generally out in the Tiger Turf area in the morning and afternoons for drop off and pick up but will be more visible at the Eglinton Street gates during my leave, so if you haven’t had a chance to meet Elisha yet, this would be a great opportunity to do so.
Congratulations to our three students who are heading to Regional Swimming finals on 26th March. We wish you the best of luck for your respective events, and as always try your best. Making the regional level of competition is a great achievement in itself, so well done!
Big Adventure Update
An update on the Big Adventure area, we are expecting completion in the next couple of weeks, with the Tiger Turf surface being worked on over the school holidays. We hope to do a launch of the playground in the first week of Term 2. This would include a special assembly to open the space and a roster for students to have equitable access to use the new equipment for the first time before being opened to the masses. Details of the opening will be communicated once arrangements are finalised with the builders and VSBA for handover of the space. Stay tuned for more details on this in the coming weeks.
School Photos
A reminder that School Photos are on this Thursday 21st. Now that we have moved to compulsory uniform this year, the expectation is that students will be in uniform for School Photos.
Movie Night
The Movie Night is next Friday, tickets can be purchased through Eventbrite. I am sad that I will not be able to attend this year, but hope families have a great night and enjoy Wonka. Thank you to those supporting the organisation and running of the night.
I also want to acknowledge our year 3 and 5 who last week started their NAPLAN testing. It has been great to see the students’ positive attitude and effort they have shown toward these assessments, we have created a supportive environment where students see NAPLAN as just another classroom activity that gives them a chance to share their understandings and do their best. NAPLAN testing concludes this week. All the best for the last couple of sessions to our 3s and 5s.
Finally, the last day of the term is on Thursday 28th, assembly for the last week is held on this day (not the Monday) and the dismissal time for students is at 2.30pm.
I hope everyone has a great end to the term and school holiday period and I look forward to seeing you all next term.