Biomimicry Excursion

On the 24th of July selected students were invited to participate in an extension opportunity for Science and Technology as part of the Victorian High Abilities Program.
This Nature Biomimicry excursion was held at the Royal Botanic Gardens in the city.
The excursion gave students the opportunity to investigate the world around them while also developing and extending their critical enquiry skills. They used microscopes to investigate plants at a microscopic level.
They also learnt about some of the unique, majestic and ancient species of plants that live in the Royal Botanic Gardens on a special tour.
Students learnt about biomimicry and how the science and technology industries are using biomimicry in their designs to improve them.
Students were then given the opportunity to do their own biomimicry designs in a team and present their designs to the group.
It was a busy, fun and educational day!
Rachel Ieraci-Radford
Year 8 Science Teacher