Principal Reflection

Congratulations to the staff and students on a magnificent Term 3.
As I reflect upon the term that has passed, I am so proud of all that we have achieved.
Students have been busy both inside and outside the classroom, engaging in rich learning experiences.
In true Wollert Secondary fashion, we have seen several students represent the College in interschool sporting events and I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all our students who represented the College and thank our parent community who attended to support our students.
The term has seen our Victorian High Ability students participate in their extended learning program and I am pleased to share that several students beyond the program were able to participate in rich incursion and excursion activities.
It was amazing to see the comradery as staff and students rallied together to raise funds for Fight MND, a cause that is so close to the hearts of so many, particularly Ms Faccin.
As a school community we raised over $1000.00 which is an incredible effort given how small our school community is and is a true reflection of the kindness and generosity of our wonderful staff and students. A special mention goes to the three staff who braved the ice, Ms Milenkovic, Ms Faccin and Mr Anderson.
As we approach the final term of the year, I encourage staff, students, and families to take a moment to reflect on the year thus far.
It is important that you acknowledge the triumphs, the wins and the success achieved.
In the hustle and bustle of the day to day, we often forget to pause and reflect, and there are so many incredible things for each of you to celebrate.
I ask you, to ask yourself, what do those moments to be celebrated, look like for you?
Then share this with those around you. I also encourage you to set some small but achievable goals for next term.
How would you like the term to look? And what do you hope to achieve?
I say this because failing to plan, is planning to fail.
With clear directions and a plan of attack, you will be sure not to lose your way and get the most out of the term.
On that note, I wish you all a safe and happy term break and a wonderful Term 4.
Kind Regards,
Melissa Lozanovski
College Principal