Library News

Heather Patterson

Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge 2023


The certificates for the Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge have finally arrived and class teachers were excited to share and celebrate these with our committed readers this week. 


All of the students in Years Prep, One and Two received a certificate, as they participate in class with shared reading of the challenge books.


We also recognise and celebrate the following students from Years 3-6 who went above and beyond to complete the challenge independently.  


3CG – Ababo

3MK – Eric, Penelope, Elsie

3MP – Nora, Luigi, Partho

3TM – Matilda, Lydia

4AF – Flynn, Divyanga, Anneliese, Zoe

4JD – Siena, Dhrubo

4MS – Ellfa

4TC – Stella

5LW – Palila

5MC – Lawrence, Joshua

5SM – Harriette, Jack

5TH – Dione

6MC – Mila, Luna

6MP – Scarlett, Michael


Congratulations to all our challenge awardees and keep up the excellent reading!