Pupil of the Week

Award winners for this week

RemiPACFor the amazing and creative animal habitat collage you created. Great job!
MartyPAKFor being an attentive listener and a helpful member of our class. We appreciate you.
AnastasiaPBDFor the positive and helpful attitude that you consistently demonstrate towards your classmates and teachers. You are a great role model!
LeonPKTFor the effort he has put into his learning throughout the year. You have achieved so much!
IsaiahPLBFor always being a considerate and understanding friend and classmate. You are a superstar Isaiah!
Teddy1JIFor showing greater participation during class discussions and being a great classroom helper. Great job!
Vera1JSFor demonstrating a resilient and positive attitude to her learning. Keep up the great work!
Cameron1LEFor the great work when using coding apps and assisting others when needed.
Miski1LLFor the kindness and care that you share with your classmates. Thank you, Miski!
Stephen1TNFor working and playing co-operatively with your classmates. Terrific effort Stephen!
Mia2CWFor the effort she has applied when publishing her poetry anthropology. Well done, Mia.
Tenzin2DWFor her positive attitude and the kindness she shows to her classmates every single day. You are a wonderful person! 
Zach2HRFor always supporting and celebrating your classmates' efforts. The feedback you gave during our diorama presentations was thoughtful and encouraging. Keep smiling Zach!
Jeremy2TFFor consistently demonstrating mutual respect and kindness to his classmates. Well done this year, Jeremy!
Alexander3CGFor being a caring classmate and kind hearted person within our learning community!
Jayden3MKFor being a kind and considerate member of 3MK. You are a star!
Audrey3MPFor showing kindness to her peers. Great work!
Oskar3TMFor showing a growth mindset and positive attitude towards Numeracy this year. I'm proud of you Oskar!
Madi H4AFFor her extraordinary effort in all of her writing pieces this term. Madi, I'm so proud of your growth!
All the students in 4JD4JDFor being kind and supportive towards one another. Jess is very grateful for all the fun and energy you have brought into the classroom. You should all be very proud of your achievements!
Cherri4MSFor her consistent approach to undertaking learning activities and demonstrating mutual respect to peers and teachers.
Indigo4TCFor sharing a joke with classmates and showing leadership in the classroom. Well done, Indi!
Edie5LWFor her willingness to help others in the class and share her knowledge.
Aisha 5MCFor being such a positive presence in 5MC all year. You are kind to everyone and strong reflective learner. Keep up the amazing work, Aisha!
Tilly5SMFor being a wonderful classmate in 5SM all year and a huge part of our school. We will miss you! (As voted by your classmates)
Nicholas5THFor always showing kindness and respect towards others. Thank you!
Alice6LCFor being a kind and considerate friend in the classroom. Top effort you are a wonderful role model Alice!
Luna6MCFor her hard work and focused learning across all subject areas. You've achieved so much this year, Luna. Well done!
Ayush6MPFor the engaging animation that you created for your Genius Hour presentation.
Oliver Hubbard - 2TFTheirCareFor always setting a good example for the younger children by always being the first one to help. Well done, Oliver!