TheirCare News

Hi parents, guardians, staff, and friends! Welcome to Week 3 of Term 4!


This week’s theme is Unique Creatures! We have been doing lots of arts and crafts activities about unique creatures. We did the unique octopus and unique monster paper crafts activities. The children loved it, and they were having fun engaging in these arts and crafts activities.  We’re excited to also let you know that we finished our Philosophy Wall last Monday. We also decided to decorate the whiteboard in the TheirCare room and have had the children involved in decorating it by colouring the flowers that will be posted around the whiteboard. 

We would like to let the prep families know that the prep children are doing an amazing job by walking to TheirCare in the afternoon by themselves. They show great independence and maturity at such a young age, which is amazing to see! Although they are showing great independence, they are still being supervised by one of the TheirCare staff and will leave their room 5 minutes before the bell rings. 

We would like to let all families know that on Tuesday the 24th of October from 4:30 to 6pm, TheirCare will be running the 2nd Hand Uniform shop at the PA Shipping container near the gym and the bike storage. Just reminding all families that it is cash only sales. We look forward to seeing you there!


This week’s Pupil of the Week is Tobey Mitten for being an amazing helper with the younger children and for always making sure that the younger children are okay. Well done, Tobey! You should be proud of yourself!! 😊😊


So sadly, Ashleigh will be away for 4 weeks as she is having surgery on her knee. Angie and Connie will be stepping up. Ashleigh will be finishing up on the 27th of October and will be back on the 27th of November. We wish her the best and a quick recovery! 


For all families – if you have any questions about TheirCare and would like to come and have a chat please come and visit us in Emu Corner in the morning and afternoon, alternatively, you can contact us on the details provided and we will help you as best we can. 😊                       


TheirCare Team

Ashleigh, Angie, Connie, Jicinta and Lezley 

Contact Details: 

Service Phone: 0487 004 072 

Service Email: 

Head Office: 1300 072 410