Pupil of the Week

Award winners for this week

JoaniePACFor your enthusiasm towards learning. You always apply your personal best effort to produce amazing work. Feel proud!
AugiePAKFor the amazing diorama you created for your presentation about jaguars. Well done!
MayikPBDFor being an inclusive friend and always showing respect to your teachers and peers. You are a superstar!
KhaiPKTFor his positivity and helpful attitude towards his peers and teachers.
RomanPLBFor being an adaptable member of PLB, and demonstrating resilience after his recent injury!
Euan1JIFor his personal best effort and improved stamina in his work especially in his writing. Sensational effort, Euan.
Harrison1JSFor participating and showing his personal best effort in classroom activities! Thank you for your enthusiasm and energy!
Sajid1LEFor settling into his new class with enthusiasm and a great attitude to learning.
Dilan1LLFor giving your personal best effort in all that you do. Keep up the great work Dilan!
Olive1TNFor reading with greater fluency and expression. Terrific effort Olive.
Elira2CWFor being a kind, considerate and helpful classmate. Keep it up, Elira!
Lachlan2DWFor his commitment to achieving his personal best in all learning tasks. The way you thoroughly check your work to eliminate errors is most impressive. Well done, Lachlan!
Issy2TFFor demonstrating a positive attitude and challenging herself when practising Maths online. Great work, Issy.
Remy2HRFor coming to school with a big smile. You are such a kind and respectful member of 2HR. Thank you for sharing your colossal knowledge of sea creatures with us.
Marlo3CGFor being an active voice in classroom discussions and always striving for excellence. Well done, Marlo!
Musa3MKFor applying your personal best effort during our Maths sessions. Well done!
Jesse3MPFor the growth mindset displayed when writing his persuasive text. Keep it up!
Myra3TMFor always trying your personal best in all areas of learning. Congratulations Myra!
Zoe4AFFor being a helpful, caring student who always tries her personal best. (As voted by her peers)
Dhrubo4JDFor consistently applying your personal best effort to all learning tasks. You are always willing to take onboard feedback and extend yourself as a learner. Well done!
Logan4MSFor his valuable contributions to class discussions and his consistent effort towards all his learning. Well done, Logan!
Madi4TCFor writing her persuasive writing and achieving her personal best at regional athletics. Well done, Madi.
Asher6LCFor always demonstrating our Agreements during camp including pushing towards your personal best. Well done, Asher!
Mila6MCFor giving a top effort at camp Kangaroobie. Amazing job whilst taking part in all aspects of camp Mila!
Braxton6MPFor contributing meaningful comments to our discussions about our class novel. Great work, Braxton.
Tobey Mitten 2HRTheirCareFor being an amazing helper with the younger children and for always making sure that the younger children are okay. Well done, Tobey!