Principal's Report

Principal: Brendan Millar

In this Week's Newsletter

  • Appreciations and News…
    • Good luck and thanks Luke
    • Referendum sausage and bake stall - thanks to all who helped
    • Sandra our business manager is going on leave
    • Learning plans at FWPS
    • Smile Squad
    • Sunsmart update
    • Facilities update
  • Coming up 
    • Grade 6 Summer sport continues
    • Assembly this week
    • Halloween Disco next Thursday
  • Repeated (and updated) messages

Appreciations and News

It has been a big week at FWPS, starting with our successful sausage and bake stall during Saturday’s referendum and continuing with the wonderful grade 2 Marine incursion, grade 6 camp (Monday), grade 3 and 4 Tarantella dance experience and grade 5 camp (Wednesday).  The grade 5 campers will return on Friday.  Tomorrow we will send a Compass post to grade 5 parents updating arrival time details.


Grade 2 Marine Incursion was eye opening!

  • Goodluck and Appreciations 
    Goodbye to Luke Blythman who has worked with us as our TheirCare coordinator (over 5 years) and more recently as an area manager, a role that continued his relationship with FWPS.  Sadly (for us) Luke has moved into another role within the field at another company.  For all who have had even passing interaction with Luke, I expect, like me, that you have found him to be passionate, people centred, effective and very empathetic.  We will acknowledge Luke’s commitment to our school, at assembly on Friday.
  • Referendum sausage and bake stall appreciation - While a 79% affirmation at the FWPS polling station was not reflected across our state and country, the Parents’ Association (PA) took the opportunity to run a terrific and very successful event.  This was only possible due to the fabulous organisation of the PA team, Tinny Sestokas who spent last week planning, communicating and following up while in her sick bed.  Sharee Logan, returned from a European family holiday to practically set up the items from storage and Kate Garcia secured the sausages and filled her fridge overnight.  A huge thank you to the fantastic group of parents and carers and staff who assisted running the busy stall from an 8 am start up to near 4 pm conclusion.  Every time PA do organise an event they are closely supported by our office team - thanks to Sandra, Natalie, Rachael, Yvonne and Zowi.  It was busy for much of the morning and early afternoon and successful too with a figure of $4,304 raised.  While not all the money can be counted as profit, the margin is higher due to all who donated baked goods, condiments and serviettes.  A very big appreciation to the following helpers: 

    Megan Reeve, Clare Mitchell Crow, Michael Caputo, Megan Reeve, Emma Rothnie, Carmel McNally, Jessica Cork, Jessie Brown, Carmen Griffin, John Macdonnell, Anna Kelly, Katie Berman, Ryan Sharp, Sam Richardson, Rob de Maid, Mia Todd, Kate Spencer, Adam Kelly, James Mitchell Crow, Megan Reeve, Jason Mullen, Liz Beasley and Carolyn Lockie.
  • Grade 6 and grade 5 Kangaroobie Camp - We have had a very busy week with our split senior school camps to Kangaroobie (near Port Campbell) being held throughout the week.  The grade 6 crew arrived back at school towards the end of afternoon recess yesterday and they looked like they had fully embraced the challenges and a good sleep in their own bed was the only thing on their mind.  The grade 5s will return on Friday afternoon.  We very much appreciate our teaching staff and parent helpers for their terrific efforts.  We really cannot do it without you!
  • Sandra is going on leave - From Friday our Business Manager, Sandra Campbell is looking forward to going on long service leave for the remainder of Term 4.  If you are wondering, Sandra is the office team member with the Glaswegian accent.  On answering the phone we are used to hearing her repeat herself … slowly  (don’t feel too bad, I still occasionally ask her to ‘say that again’).  This will be the first time in 17 years that Sandra is not returning to spend precious last days with a loved one, or to attend a funeral.  This time Sandra and her husband Jim will be attending the wedding of their eldest daughter Nicole, who despite being raised locally, has a yearn to get married to her partner Jay in a Scottish castle!  So heading ‘hame’ for a good reason, but not necessarily a non stressful one!  Sandra has been very busy trying to remember to do everything she can in advance and where she cannot, provide the office and principal team tips for dummies.  We have some comfort in knowing that Yvonne, our long term office manager, will continue to work part time this term to assist.  At least our creditors will be paid on time!  We all wish Sandra, our friend and colleague, a serene Scottish sojourn.
  • 2024 plans at FWPS - We are blessed to have the quality of staff we have.  In a changing learning environment and with staffing challenges an ongoing system wide issue, we maintain a level of professional commitment that is a testament to the collective approach we abide by and outstanding support provided by our Assistant Principals and middle level leadership.  The school review process this year has had a positive impact in enabling us to examine all aspects of our approach to teaching and learning and since the conclusion of the review (at the end of Term 2), there has been a really thorough exploration of our approach to teaching maths and literacy.  As we work to finalise our next School Strategic Plan (SSP), we are also developing our 2024 Annual Implementation Plan.  As we refine our new SSP, through our active and positive School Council membership we are seeking community input to review our school’s visions and values.  A series of opportunities will be presented by School Council parent members, Katie Berman and Tess Sketchley.  Katie recently convened a review of our vision and values with the teaching team and it was a really effective session.  Please take a moment to read the details provided in today’s newsletter in the School Council News page (Help Shape Our Future- Our Vision and Values) and make an effort to attend. 
  • Sunsmart - The message is getting through, but it is important that we work together to assist all the students avoid receiving dangerous levels of UV exposure by not being protected.  We will continue to prompt our teachers to remind the students to use sunscreen (supplied from home) and to take their hats out to lunch and recess playtimes, as well as whenever the students go outdoors for learning activities and games.  You can assist by ensuring that your child does have a sunsmart hat at school at all times.  Hats (and tops) clearly labelled with your child’s name is one thing that will increase the likelihood that mislaid items ‘boomerang’ back to your child.
  • Facilities update - We are pleased that the money raised from the sausage and food stalls during the State election last year and Saturday’s referendum will be bundled together to pay the lions’ share of our new outdoor sound system for the green shade sail ‘stage’ area outside the Bilby building.  Our contractor is busily installing today and on Friday and as the hardware is being located in PLB’s storage room, for OH&S reasons this required the students in PLB learning in another classroom today (and possibly also on Friday morning).  As we have few unused spaces, one of the grade 5 classrooms was used as their learning space today. 


  • Next week the Principal team will meet with senior staff from Kennedy Nolan, the architectural firm that just this week was announced as the firm that will prepare our new gymnasium project.  This will be a meeting of high interest for us as we finally move onto the practical aspects of our own Big Build and facilities master planning.  We postponed our Facilities meeting, originally scheduled for this week to ensure that we would have significant information to consider.  That meeting will now be held on Wednesday, 1st November.
  • Smile Squad - from next week check-ups will continue in the van located in the carpark.  Due to workforce shortages, Smile Squad are running behind schedule, so the van will stay with us a little longer.
  • 2024 Learning Buddy Suggestions - Thank you to all who made time to discuss and record 5 learning buddy suggestions with their children in grades prep through to grade 5. There has been a strong take up and we appreciate your efforts.  The opportunity for family input has now passed.  Any students who have not completed the form will now complete this in class.  We promise that a minimum of one student from each child’s list will be included in their 2024 class.
  • 2024 Grade Placement Considerations - The opportunity to provide consideration towards grade placements has also passed.   We will consider all requests and may contact parents to discuss considerations raised.  There will be no further input to this process and class teachers will have no access to the information provided, unless members of the principal team seek their input.  

Coming up…

  • Interschool Summer Sport tomorrow will involve an away game at Footscray North PS.  Due to sunsmart regulations, sports are played in the morning.   The games will be played between approximately 9.30 and 10.40 am. Parents and carers are welcome to attend. 
  • Assembly - Weather permitting, assembly will be held as usual at our Bilby shade sail at 2.40pm tomorrow and PBD will present their grade item. 
  • Halloween Disco next Thursday after school
    Following a very successful return to our school disco event last year along with a Halloween theme, it is back this year.  A big note of appreciation to Parents Association member, Adele Coone for her championing of this event. The junior and senior school disco have been posted as school events on your Compass app.  This year there will be no need for your child to bring cash, as the $6 event cost to be paid in advance, will include entry, a packet of popcorn and a Zooper Dooper.  Glow sticks will be available pre paid through a separate Compass Event.

    The Junior Disco (grades prep to 2) will be held as follows:

    The times are:
    Lining up - from 5:15pm
    Disco fun - 5:30pm to 6:45pm
    Pick up time - 6:45pm

    The Senior Disco (grades 3 to 6) will be held as follows:

    The times are:
    Lining up - from 7:00pm
    Disco fun - 7:15pm to 8:45pm
    Pick up time - 8:45pm

    Further details:

    Tickets are $6.00 and MUST be prepaid, via this Compass event by Tuesday 24th October.  A ticket will be given to each child in the afternoon on Thursday 26th for entry into the disco.  This ticket will be placed in a 'barrel' for one child to win a door prize at each session. Don't lose your ticket - it may be the lucky one!

    You are welcome to come dressed as your favourite Halloween character but remember no fake blood, props or weapons of any kind. This is optional so you may choose to wear your favourite party attire!

    This year, one Zooper Dooper and one packet of popcorn will be included in the ticket price. These will be distributed to children during a scheduled rest break during the middle of the Disco. The canteen will not be operating on the night and no further food sales will occur. Children will be encouraged to drink water from the school drink taps.

    If your child has any registered special dietary requirements which prohibit them from consuming a Zooper Dooper and popcorn, please record this in the question section of this event. A member of the organising committee will be in contact to discuss.

    At the start of the Disco, students are required to line up outside the Gecko building on the basketball court for entry at the listed time (no earlier please).

    DISMISSAL (and consent for another adult to collect your child)
    Parents/Carers are asked to wait on the basketball court at the designated pickup time. There will be a set process for collecting children from inside the gym and exiting via the double doors in the small car park. Students will not be dismissed without a parent present. 

    If your child is going home with an adult other than yourself, you must supply a written request to the office before 3:30pm on Thursday 27th October.

    If you think you are able to assist on the night, please ensure you complete all relevant sections of the Volunteer Induction (online modules can be found on the Compass Newsfeed, dated 9th Feb) and submit a valid WWCC (Working with Children Check) to the school office.

    Further information on how to register as a volunteer will be sent via a Compass post soon. We urge you to practically support this fun event.





Repeated (and updated) messages…