From the Principal

Good morning everyone, this week began with students moving up to a new year level.
At Mornington Secondary College, we call this Fast Forward.
We began with a whole school assembly where the students were introduced to their student management teams.
Year 7 Leader Ms Romage with Ms Mackenzie
Year 8 Leader Mr Pirrie with Ms Rattue
Year 9 Leader Ms Jones with Mr Doherty
Year 10 Leader Mr Uhlenberg with Mr Malligan
Year 11 Leader Dr Keough with Mr Williams. Ms Bremner will be assisting until the end of the year.
Year 12 Leader Ms Reeman with Ms Dixon
All students joined their student managers at a year level assembly.
During the assembly the importance of being at school, on time and in uniform were highlighted. Students were also informed of extra-curricular activities on offer
All students have had the opportunity to clean out old lockers and move into new ones. Year 9 students were introduced to the Learning Centre once again and this building will be renamed ‘Year 9 building’.
Students joining us in Year 7 next year will have their lockers and student managers adjacent to the Administration building.
It has been a great start so far. I have been in many classes since Monday and the students are actively engaged in their work, getting to know other students and teachers. Classroom Mastery continues and the learning environment is very calm and orderly.
A message from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority re: Year 12 exams
Together we make a great community.
Linda Stanton
Important Dates
Term 4
Dec - Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th Japanese visitors from Nara
Dec- Friday 6th Students in Year 11 and 12 final day in 2025
Dec - Tuesday 10th Grade 6 Orientation Day for students joining MSC in 2025
Dec- Monday 16th Presentation Evening - New Peninsula Baptist Church - 6.30pm
Dec- Tuesday 17th to Thursday 19th Dec - 3 day activity program
Dec- Friday 20th December - Last day of Term 4
Middle School
We have had a fantastic start to Fast Forward! Our students are settling into their new year levels and have been actively engaged in their learning, setting a positive tone for the year ahead.
It’s also a busy and exciting time as we prepare to welcome our new Year 7 students for Orientation Day. Primary school visits are well underway, led by Chris Jones, Evangeline Romage, and Alexandra Mackenzie, who have been doing a wonderful job connecting with Grade 6 students and their families. These visits help build excitement and ease the transition to secondary school for our future students.
We’re looking forward to a great Orientation Day and can’t wait to officially welcome the next group of Year 7s to Mornington Secondary College!
Last week we had a great night at the Year 9 Social- the students looked magnificent.
It was a fantastic success, with students enjoying a night full of fun, laughter, and memories.
A highlight of the evening was the Photo Booth which was a big hit! Students had a great time posing with different accessories, including hats, sunglasses, and feather boas. We’re sure many photos have taken pride of place on mirrors or in keepsake collections at home. It was wonderful to see everyone dressed up and celebrating together- thank you to all who helped make the event so special especially Sian Jones, Lavonne Neal and Deb Bibby.
Wishing you a great week.
Denise Leggett
Assistant Principal
Senior School
To students and families of the Mornington Senior School,
I’m not sure why but just by wearing their Class of 2025 jackets, our year 11 students suddenly seem more grown up. As they embark on their final 12 months, I wish them every success. Everyone in the Senior School seems a little older, a little more mature and they have a shown a renewed drive… no small feat at the end of long year.
One more week for our new year 11s and 12s until they get a hard-earned break (although I’ll talk next week about the preparation work required before they return in 2025). Almost there...
To the year 9 students of 2024 who are now part of the Senior School, I welcome you and look forward to getting to know you. I also look forward to your increasing maturity and dedication to achieving your educational goals, while also enjoying your connection to school.
You have some fantastic opportunities ahead of you in the next 12 months before you enter the VCE pathways and I encourage you to try a breadth of subjects and extra-curricular activities to help you have a well-rounded view of yourself as a learner and a person, prior to making some decisions on your future pathway.
Oh no, I think I made a mistake…
While our students have all been through a rigorous course counselling process, sometimes goals, interests and/or future directions change. Perhaps exam results were much higher than expected or occasionally didn’t go as well as hoped. Whatever the valid educational reason or rationale is (i.e. not I prefer this teacher or being in a subject with my friends 😉) there is an opportunity for students to request a subject or even program change.
To apply for a change students simply need to see their new year level team, have a conversation, collect a form and book a pathways appointment (VCE only). From there, the year level team will make a recommendation about the proposed change (this recommendation is usually based on existing data and knowledge of the subject chosen, before I sign off on the approval and the timetable team (including myself) will see if the change is possible (space in the class, impact of the change on the other learners, teaching environment etc).
The timetable has been constructed based on the choices of students in July and August and has limited flexibility in some areas. Classes have a planned limit of 25 so in some cases the change may not be possible at this time. Any year 11 or 12 subject change that is approved (changes will be actioned by the end of next week) and finalised, will require a student to come back to school on Mon 9th Dec (and possibly the 10th) to complete the Fast Forward work for the new subject. This ensures all students go to the holiday period at the same point in their learning.
Year 10 Formal
Our 2024 year 10 cohort had a fantastic formal on Thursday night and I’d like to acknowledge the hard work from our year 10 team (Jake Uhlenberg, Jennifer Rolls and Alex Malligan) with their efforts in planning the evening, decorating the venue and ensuring the students had a great time.
It was a fitting full stop on the student’s year 10 experience and really sent them off to start their VCE journey in the right manner! Thank you to all the families for dropping off and picking up the students on a busy Thursday evening! I’d also like to extend my thanks to the MSC staff who attended the event.
What is coming up this term?
Mon 25th Nov – Fri 6th Dec - 2025 Fast Forward program
(year 10s and 11s finish on this day)
Thurs 28th Nov _ Year 10 Formal
Thurs 12th Dec – VCE ATAR results released to students
Mon 16th Dec – 2024 MSC Awards evening
Kind regards
Nick Evans
Senior School Assistant Principal
The end is in sight….
What a wonderful week we have had with Fast Forward. Kicking off with our new year level captains running our whole school assembly to the amazing energy and enthusiasm students are bringing to their new classes. As we move into next week we are really focusing on moving from “get to know you” into the serious work of each study. Being at school for everyday of fast forward is essential to set students up for next year.
Once Fast Forward is finished we will move into three days of subject based activities (December 11th-13th) which will be a lot of fun as well as giving students a chance to do some different types of activities across age groups. This will be followed by our activities program and finally Christmas!
Students lead the way.
Applications are currently open for student year level captains. Interviews for these positions will take place next week so please encourage your child to register their interest. The application link is available on COMPASS.
Password Resets
Each year the department of education asks students to reset their password. The date for this is fast approaching and the tech crew are emailing all students with instructions on how to do this as I type. All students should complete the steps PRIOR to going on holidays.
Mike Parker
Assistant Principal
Beyond the Classroom: Year 8 and 9 Advanced Maths Excursion at The Victorian Space Science Education Centre
On Thursday 7th November, our Year 8 and 9 Advanced Maths students had the unique opportunity to step outside the traditional classroom setting and explore the fascinating world of space science at The Victorian Space Science Education Centre (VSSEC).
A Day of Mathematical Marvels
The day began with an air of excitement as our students arrived at VSSEC, ready to dive into a series of hands-on activities and interactive learning experiences designed to highlight the real-world applications of mathematics and science.
Mathematics and Space Science Unite
Our first group of students participated in a "Tickle My Droid" activity. This engaging workshop allowed students to delve into the world of robotics and programming, applying their mathematical skills to control and interact with droids. The hands-on experience not only enhanced their understanding of coding and algorithmic thinking but also showcased the practical applications of mathematics in technology and engineering. It was an inspiring and educational adventure that left our students excited about the possibilities of STEM careers.
Mission Control Simulation
Another two groups of students engaged in a thrilling Mission Control Simulation, where they took on roles as astronauts, engineers, and mission control specialists. They had to work collaboratively to plan and execute a successful mission to Mars, applying their mathematical knowledge to make informed decisions under pressure. This immersive experience emphasized the importance of teamwork, problem-solving, and precise calculations in real-world scenarios.
Inspiring Future Scientists and Mathematicians
The excursion to VSSEC was more than just an educational trip; it was an inspiring journey that ignited a passion for science and mathematics in our students. By witnessing the real-world applications of their studies, they gained a newfound appreciation for the power of science and mathematics in solving complex problems and exploring the unknown.
We extend our thanks to the staff at VSSEC for their enthusiasm and expertise, which made our visit an unforgettable experience. A big thank you also goes to our dedicated teacher Mrs Collins and Assistant Principal Mrs Leggett, whose encouraging support and guidance with their student group were invaluable throughout the day.
Our students returned to their regular studies, they brought with them the knowledge and inspiration gained from this adventure, ready to tackle new challenges with fresh perspectives. Stay tuned for more updates on our academic adventures and upcoming events in 2025!
Mrs Watchorn
VHAP – Victorian High Ability Program Co-ordinator & Student Excellence Program
Head of Mathematics & Numeracy Leading Teacher
End of Year Activities in Japanese classes
It’s been a busy couple of weeks in Japanese classes at MSC!
The students in 7D spent their final Year 7 Japanese class participating in an Onigiri (rice ball) - making session. Students learned how to make 3 different types of onigiri: Plain onigiri with nori, Furikake onigiri & onigiri with tuna mayo mix inside! Why not get them to make you some at home on the holidays?
The students in Years 9 – 11 enjoyed an excursion to ‘Little Japan’ in Clayton Rd, Clayton. They enjoyed a delicious and authentically Japanese lunch at Chayo Café / Restaurant, followed by some shopping in the Japanese grocery aisles of Hong Kong Supermarket and at Minimaru (a Japanese style homewares store). It was the perfect opportunity to use the food related language and etiquette they’ve been studying in Japanese classes in an authentic context.
The Class of 2024 VCE class farewells their Y11 classmates last month completed their VCE Japanese Oral Exam on October 17th and their Final VCE Japanese Written Exam last Wednesday 20th November.
Their families were waiting for them as they emerged from the building, surprising them with a car park celebration complete with balloons, confetti bombs, party food, non-alcoholic champagne and sound tracked to ‘Kool and the Gangs’ Celebrate on loop on Sensei’s stereo with all of the car doors open! A fitting celebration for all of their hard work this year!
BUT, it’s not over for students studying Japanese at MSC yet!
Next Wednesday and Thursday we will again welcome two groups of students from Nara in Japan. Students will have the opportunity to introduce the students to the college, enjoy a BBQ lunch and a game of basketball / table tennis. They will also be treated to a performance from the Japanese students and be able to participate in cultural activities such as calligraphy and origami. This is the second time we have hosted students from Nara this year – and if it’s anything like the visits in February this year, it will be a memorable experience for the students fortunate enough to participate!
Year 9 Formal Pictures Celebrating at the Frankston Art Centre on Thursday the 21st of November
Last Thursday was the first Year 9 Formal which we celebrated at Frankston Art Centre. The students went all out with their outfits and looked amazing. The evening was a great success, awards, dancing and non stop use of the photo booth. It was a great way to end their Year 9 journey ready to move on to the senior school.
Massive thanks to the Year 9 team Lavonne Neal and Deborah Bibby for all their help as well as the people behind the scenes in the office it takes many people to make these events so memorable. It was also wonderful to have so many teachers attend I know the students appreciated it. Good luck for Year 10.
Sian Jones
Year 9 Leader
Student of the Week
Name: Donna Watson
Favourite food: Ice cream
Hobbies out of school: I play netball and hang out with friends
What sports team do you follow: I support Richmond FC
Favourite TV show: I love drama shows
Do you have any pets:
I have 2 dogs, Kong and Shadow
What are you most excited for in fast forward?
Hanging out with friends and learning about my new classes
What career do you wish to follow when you finish school?
I’ll just see how it goes
Name: Ezekial D’arcy
Favourite food: Lasagne
Hobbies out of school: Coding, gaming and I play drums in a band
What sports team do you follow: Richmond FC
Favourite TV show: Helluva Boss
Do you have any pets: 2 dogs, Bailey a Maltese shiatzu, and Bella a toy poodle
What are you most excited for in fast forward?My new photography class
What career do you wish to follow when you finish school? Either music creation or coding
Name: Lucinda Bradshaw
Favourite food: Margherita pizza
Hobbies out of school: I play netball and dance
What sports team do you follow: Carlton FC
Favourite TV show: The Rookie
Do you have any pets: A staffy cross kelpie named Mason
What are you most excited for in fast forward?
Going to Gumbuya world
What career do you wish to follow when you finish school? I have no clue yet
Name: Ryan Chambers
Favourite food: Hawaiian Pizza
Hobbies out of school: I play footy for south Mornington and basketball
What sports team do you follow: Richmond FC
Favourite TV show: Anything with action
Do you have any pets: I have 11 pets. Mainly fish, 2 dogs, a rabbit, and 3 chickens
What are you most excited for in fast forward? Meeting my new teachers and activities week
What career do you wish to follow when you finish school? I’m not sure yet
2025 Student Subjects and Contributions
2025 Student Subjects and Contributions are now available on Compass, via parent access. Click into the payment centre to view your child's 2025 subjects.
Below are the detailed 2025 subject contributions by year level:
Don't forget to look on Compass for Orientation Day Events and End of Year Activities. Get in quick so you don't miss out!
Below is a link to help guide you.
School Saving Bonus
The Victorian Government is delivering the School Saving Bonus – a one-off $400 support for government school students from Prep to Year 12 in 2025.
By now you should have received your email from the Department of Education with your unique $400 School Saving Bonus code.
The School Saving Bonus will help families cover the cost of uniforms, textbooks, excursions, activities and more.
If you have multiple children enrolled in Victorian government schools for 2025, you will receive one School Saving Bonus code email per child. These emails might arrive on different days. Please make sure to check your spam/junk email folder.
Parents and carers can use the School Saving Bonus code in store at school-nominated suppliers. Parents and carers can also choose to access the School Saving Bonus online system, where they can allocate part or all the $400 bonus to use at school nominated-online suppliers or for school activities. A step-by-step user guide is available on compass news feed.
To use the funds towards school activities and camps, please follow the instructions in the parent guide and allocate the funds to the school. The School will be notified within a couple of days that you wish to use the nominated amount on events.
When you are ready to use these funds on events, select the credit balance option in Compass and also email to advise the following:
- Amount
- Name of Event
- Name of Student
For more information visit
If you have not received your School Saving Bonus code via email by Friday 29 November, please contact the Department of Education by emailing
2025 Booklist and How to Order Flyer
2025 booklists are now available for purchase.
Please see the attached "How to Order" flyer for details on ordering online. All orders placed by the 11th December will be delivered to home addresses by Fri 24 January 2025.
NB: Orders placed by the due date, 11th December will only incur a processing fee of $5.95 and free delivery. After the 11th December a processing and delivery fee will be applied to all orders.
Campion Education Customer Support
Ph: 1300 433 982
Email: OR
Or complete the Contact Us form on our website:
Below is a link from Campion Education with further information for parents regarding the School Saving Bonus. Here is the link below:
- Information for parents / carers: FAQs and how-to-order flyers
Uniform Sale
Don't miss out on a bargain!
Summer dresses, woollen jumpers and blue shirts are on sale through the college.
See the flyer below for more details. NB: The summer dress on sale is only for our Year 8 to 12 students.
Community News
Click here to access a link regarding the free tampons and pads initiative which has commenced its roll out and will continue until end of 2025:
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