Maternal and Child Health Visits
When was the last time your child visited the Maternal and Child Health Nurse?
Maternal and Child Health Visits
When was the last time your child visited the Maternal and Child Health Nurse?
The Victorian Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Service is a free universal primary health service available for all Victorian families with children from birth to school age. The MCH Service consists of three components including the:
Maternal and child health nurses will work with your family to help you care for your child until they are ready to start school. You will visit your nurse at 10 key ages and stages in your child’s development. These local centre visits will help identify any issues and concerns so that steps can be taken in early childhood to deal with them. Maternal and child health nurses can:
When your child turns three-and-a-half, it is time for their final key age and stage appointment with your maternal and child health nurse.
At this visit, your child's growth, health and development will be reviewed and your nurse will discuss their kindergarten enrolment. They will be given a vision screening to check their clarity of vision, using the Melbourne Initial Screening Test (MIST).
You will also be asked to answer My Health, Learning and Development – green book. It is under the Parents' Evaluation of Development Status (PEDS) section. Try to complete these questions before your visit.
This visit will focus on:
Remember, you and your nurse can talk about other issues or concerns if they arise.
For more information please visit:
Maternal and child health – visit 10 - three and a half year visit - Better Health Channel