Glen Education Sundowner

Fostering Creative Thinking


Glen Sundowner Educational Team 



At Glen Sundowner Kindergarten, we believe that the children are confident, capable and resourceful learners. We empower children to to take control of their own learning and engage in experiences that foster creativity, inquiry and exploration. This creates an environment that appreciates children'sindividual interests and strengths so that each child feels a sense of achievement.


An example of this was a colour mixing experience that the educators facilitated during term 1. This experience was planned to encourage the children to explore the primary colours, whilst theorising and experimenting with mixing to make 'new' colours. Children put dollops of coloured paints on a paper plate and we used our spinning container to mix up all of these colours. 

The children really enjoyed this experience and developed dispositions such as; curiosity, confidence, creativity, problem solving, inquiry, hypothesizing and experimentation.

"Active involvement and engagement in learning builds children’s understandings of concepts and the creative thinking and inquiry processes that are necessary for lifelong learning" 

(BELONGING, BEING & BECOMING: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia – V2.0, 2022, p50).


The educators then displayed these wonderful contributions on our kindergarten wall, as well as in the children's individual portfolios. We felt this was an important moment of learning to document and make visible for our children as it brought such joy and excitement. 


Planning for and providing a thoughtful and meaningful environment is very important to Glen Sundowner Kindergarten, where the learning is always visible and the children's wellbeing is paramount.