Glen Education Sacred Heart

Everyone Belongs

Sandy Mendis, Early Childhood Teacher


Harmony Week is the celebration that recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds.  It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. ( 


At Glen Education, we believe everyone has a fundamental right to belong and to be views through a lens of capability and possibility.  


This year, we are supporting children to learn about the principles of diversity and how to recognise and appreciate people for the things that make them unique and special. Engaging in Harmony Day celebrations are one way to explore the concepts of 


"From before birth children are connected to family, communities, culture and place. Their earliest learning, development and wellbeing takes place through these relationships, particularly within families, who are children’s first and most influential educators. As children participate in everyday life, they construct their own identities and understandings of the world."  EYLF, 2022, p. 6


This week, Lulo (4 yo child) for example, was inspired by seeing an educator engage in Henna drawing on hands, as a symbol of connectedness and bond between two people.  He copied the educator (a learning technique often observed in young children), and began to draw a flower pattern on his hand, while tracing the outline of the fingers. Lulo drew a few drafts before he settled on a design.  Lulo was very curious about different ways to draw flowers on hands.  


Lulo also showed great determination and persistence as he engaged in the learning experience, a skill we also cultivate in our programs.  Continued drawing experiences, where Lulo can come together with others to engage in conversation through drawing, will challenge his understanding of the word (through observational drawing) and concentration.