Our Faith - Religion - Prayer 

 St Patrick's Church Walcha 

For Baptism or Marriage enquiries phone Monsignor Ted Wilkes 67784070.


Mons Ted Wilkes would like to invite parishioners to Sunday Mass 10am.



Term 4 Mass Dates

Friday 8th December: End of Year and Year 6 Graduation Mass at 11.30am


Ironically, this time of year all of our students have been rehearsing their singing, dancing, and acting skills for their performance of "The Dragon Returns" this upcoming Wednesday and our annual Presentation Night the following week as yesterday the church celebrated the life of St. Cecilia who is the patron of music and musicians.


So who is St. Cecilia and why is she the patron of various performing arts? St. Cecilia was born in Rome in the 2nd century AD to a noble family. She was raised in a Christian household and was taught the values of Christianity from an early age. As she grew older, she became more and more devoted to her faith and devoted herself to a life of prayer and service to others.


In her teenage years, St. Cecilia was betrothed to a pagan nobleman named Valerian. Despite her family's wishes, she refused to marry him and instead convinced him to convert to Christianity. Together, they dedicated themselves to a life of service to the poor and needy.


Unfortunately, their newfound faith did not sit well with the Roman authorities, who were still persecuting Christians.  Valerian and his brother were discovered to be Christians and killed for it. Later, St. Cecilia also was caught and killed.


A legend mentions that St. Cecilia is considered the patron saint of music because she sang in her heart during her wedding, asking Jesus to be able to keep her special gift for him.



God, you know the great joy and power of music.

Help us to sing your song each day.

Be with all who praise you through art and music.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. 



End of Year and Year 6 Graduation Mass -Friday 8th December at 11.30am

On Friday 8th December all of the staff and students will be celebrating our End of Year and Year 6 Graduation Mass at St Patrick's Catholic Church at 11.30 am.  Everyone is welcome to join us for this special event.

Catherine McAuley

Catherine’s spirituality was centred on the mercy of God…prayer in action…action in prayer.