Congratulations and well done to all Years 7 and 9 students who recently undertook the NAPLAN exams. These national exams measure literacy and numeracy skills that provide insightful data to identify areas for improvement. Teachers regularly use NAPLAN and PAT data to ensure it is differentiated for each student.
Thank you to all staff who helped administer these tests and I want to acknowledge and thank Harriet Barrow and Peter Quinn who have overseen this critical assessment with many moving pieces.
McKinnon’s annual House Music Festival was held on Wednesday night, and what a resounding success it was.
Our students showcased their incredible talents and demonstrated collaboration at its best. This fantastic night was filled with such energy and joy, it was a true pleasure to attend.
Congratulations on the very high standard of performances in singing, dancing and playing musical instruments to all participants.
In the end, there can only be one first place and we congratulate Monash!
Their name will join the long tradition of winners on the House Music shields displayed in the Music Centre at the McKinnon Road Campus.
I would like to thank Mr William Conway, a musician, musical director and producer who was our adjudicator for this event. I also thank Leah Humphrey who coordinated this wonderful event as well as our dedicated team of music teachers and staff who made this possible.
I would like to congratulate Ms Blanka West and the McKinnon Choir involved in the World Day Of Prayer performance on Friday 7 March at the Bentleigh Uniting Church in Bentleigh.
The members of this community are so grateful for the contribution of our choir and it’s lovely to receive positive feedback about these performances.
Congratulations to McKinnon Secondary for taking out the Champion School title for 2025 in the Beach Schools Cup from 4-7 March at South Melbourne Beach.
Thanks to all staff and coaches involved as well as the exceptional Years 9, 10 and 11 student coaches supporting the Year 7s on their first tournament.
You can read more about this event in the sports report.
Congratulations to the School Council Members for 2025.
Parent Representatives:
Carly Griffen
David Nicolaides
Vladimir Finn
Anita Ledger
Daphne Cohen
Catherine Green
Ben Guidera
Anasuya Rampalli
DET Representatives:
Jessica Dixon
Phillip O’Brien
Ben Reid
Patty Etcell
Co-opted Members:
Geoff Woolnough
Student Representatives:
Jake Lasnitzki, Year 12
Harley Karro, Year 11
I look forward to working with the School Council and thank all of you for your willingness to serve this community in this capacity.
At the next Education Sub Committee of School Council on Tuesday 25 March we will be presenting the College's 2024 Annual Report. All members of the school community are invited to attend. We will commence at 7pm and meet at the General Office.