Term 2 End of Term Award Winners

 Congratulations to the following award winners:

Junior Home Eco: Jake R - Jake has improved his concentration and ability to follow instructions in his cooking group. He is very enthusiastic to have a go at new skills and work through food tasks. Great effort this term, Jake!

Senior Home Eco: Levi H - Levi has worked conscientiously in his cooking group this semester. He has grown in confidence to try different recipes and sample different food. Well done Levi!

Junior Art: Gabriella V - Gabriella is an artist who takes her time and is very calm. She likes to use swirls of paint and lots of colours. She is never afraid of making mistakes and always is enthusiastic. Congratulations Gabriella.

Senior Art: Xavier B - He is creative and willing to try everything. When he is involved in hands on projects such as stamping and building, he is very experimental.

Junior Science: Kirra G - For her enthusiasm to learn and engage in various science experiments. For demonstrating the four Naranga values. Keep up the amazing work, Kirra!

Senior Science: Christian K -For his on going enthusiasm and positive attitude to all aspects of his learning. For always demonstrating the four Naranga values and developing his confidence to read aloud in every class. Well done, Christian!

Pathways Sustainability: Megan B - Megan enjoys learning about Sustainability topics. She always contributes in the group and works conscientiously through Hands on activities. Great effort Megan!

Junior Performing Arts: Hayden R - For always working independently, participating with interest in all activities and using his class time in the most efficient manner. 

Senior Performing Arts: Hunter R - For always being an enthusiastic learner, being helpful to other students and the teacher and using his class time in the most productive manner.

Junior PE: Jayda J-C - Jayda has been an absolute superstar in PE. She always tries her best, has a fabulous work ethic whilst demonstrating great skills and teamwork within all activities.

Senior PE: Megan B - Megan has been an incredible student in PDS this term. At all times Megan demonstrates a willingness to complete her work to a high standard. She has been extremely polite, respectful and a dream to teach. Congratulations for a fantastic term.

Trade Kitchen: Jade T - For being a learner in the kitchen and always going above and beyond in the tasks given to her. 

Responsible: Ben Tosh- For helping to set up and run the Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) with OT every Monday afternoon.

Respectful: Brock Ruffles- For being kind to students who are upset. 

Learner: Alastair Barker- For always working so hard in his Handwriting OT sessions and for making such a great improvement with writing his name. 

Learner: Maddison Palmer- For sharing her voice and for demonstrating different ways of communicating with the school community.  

Respectful: Franky Murray- For participating with enthusiasm in the Insight Sprites program and actively supporting others to share their voices. 

Learner: Bianca Kent- For finding her voice and sharing her ideas in the Dungeons and Dragons group. 

Responsible: Alice Huddy- For being a strong and responsible advocate for her own wellbeing needs. 

Learner: Mikayla Lim- For participating actively and with joy in the Insight Sprites program.