Term 2 End of Term Award Winners

 Congratulations to the following award winners:

Junior Martin: Lincoln H - Well done Lincoln for your amazing progress this year! You are a safe, responsible and respectful learner in the classroom. You have worked hard on your communication and building relationships with your peers. We are very proud of you!

Junior Nunal: Sebastian W - Sebastian has shown great improvement in communicating and establishing relationships this term. He has engaged in safe play, sharing, and exchange of polite words with his peers. He is learning to be more sensitive of others' feelings. Good job Seb!

Junior Mason: Jason D - Although new to Junior Mason, you have made a big impact! Each day you demonstrate you are a safe, respectful, and responsible learner. You always complete your work and try and help others, and always with a big smile. Well done Jason!

Junior Jackson: Dorian D - Dorian has made great improvements in his participation in Home Economics. He helps to prepare food and always helps to clean up. Dorian has begun to taste the food we prepare occasionally and is learning to make positive comments about everyone's different food preferences. Well done, Dorian!

Junior Malcolm: Roger E - Roger is a polite, friendly and respectful member of Junior Malcolm. He has shown great improvement with his communication and has grown so much in his confidence. He is an incredible learner and completes all learning tasks with pride and enthusiasm.

Junior Egan: Logan L - For being a learner and showing great improvement in his handwriting this term. Great job Logan!!

Junior Spence: Heath S - For consistently applying himself in a safe, responsible, respectful manner and working hard at improving in his personal goals each week. Well done Heath.

Junior Mcfaul: Adam H - Adam has shown tremendous growth and maturity this term. Facing change and challenges in a positive and cooperative manner and working diligently in the classroom. Congratulations Adam.

Junior Terri: Franky M - Franky has made tremendous personal development in the area of recognising and respecting others personal space bubbles. Franky is also a studious and hard working learner, who has a heart of gold. Well Done Franky.

Junior Youl: Ryder C - Thank you Ryder for always supporting and encouraging others to follow the school values and for bringing fun and laughter to the classroom.

Senior Audsley: Bartholomew J - Bartholomew has had a fantastic term, being a kind friend, adapting well to change and always trying his best. He has particularly shined in Reading Mastery lessons. Keep up the good work, Bartholomew!

Senior McCarthy: Levi W - Levi has worked really hard this term, pushing himself to do better every day. He is a kind and supportive friend and always offers to help his peers. Great job this term Levi!

Senior Waldron: Jasarah H - Jasarah always tries her best, and completes work. She is polite and respectful towards her peers, has a good work ethic and moves around the class space safely. Congratulations on a fantastic term. 

Senior Palmer: Hudson M - Hudson always completes every activity he is given swiftly and always asks for help if he needs it. Hudson has amazing animation in his voice when he speaks and the way he expresses himself. 

Pathways McConnell: Thomas W - Thomas is a quiet achiever who gives his full effort to complete all assignments to a high standard. He always demonstrates the school values and is an excellent role model for younger students.

Pathways Piasecki: Holly D - Holly always demonstrates the school values and is a great role model for younger students. Holly is thriving in her leadership position as School Captain. Well done Holly!