School Wide Positive Behaviour Support

Welcome to the page in the Newsletter where we celebrate student success.
What are we looking for?
We are looking for students who are demonstrating our school values. These behaviours are all listed in our Naranga School Expectations Matrix.
^Click the matrix above for a closer look.
*Franky (JTER): being a safe, respectful, responsible learner
*Blake (JTER): being respectful
*Axel (JEGA): being a learner
*Roger (JMAL): being responsible
*August (SAUD): for trying so hard to help your
*Amelie (SAUD): for being such a good friend to all your peers. You make everyone feel valued.
*Destiny (SSMC): for supporting her friends to make good choices in the yard.
*Ruby, Kiarra (SSMC), Tannesha, Levi (SAUD), Cyrus (SPAL): for a great effort with end of term reflections and making donuts.
*Bianca, Emily, Kai, Simi, Michael (PMCC): for working hard at their VET courses at Monterey.
*Tannesha, Oliver (SAUD), Destiny, Johan (SSMC), Logan (SWAL): for participation in Reading Mastery activities. Great work!
*Kane (SPAL), Ruby, Johan (SSMC), Sophie, Landyn (SWAL), Bartholomew (SAUD): for being respectful and polite at Point Nepean.
*Ruby, Brandon, Shay, Xavier (SSMC), Anna, Molly, Hunter, Sophie, Sharnae (SWAL), Zac, Cyrus, Bella (SPAL): for a respectful Reading Mastery session.
This week Home Economics (Ms A) gave a shout out to Junior McFaul for great team work to make custard tarts using the piemaker.
This week’s friendship cup goes to Dorian and Ameer. Dorian has been such a supportive and caring friend to Ameer the last two weeks. It’s so nice to see the lovely friendship that you both share. Keep it up!
Naranga School has been part of the Aussie of the Month Program for over 10 years! Want to learn a little bit more about what an 'Aussie of the Month' award mean. Watch the clip below.
Jayden (JMAS)
Jayden has made an improvement in all areas of his learning at Naranga. He is a popular student who likes to give hi-5s to his classmates and is learning to play with others in the classroom and the yard. Jayden has increased his independence in following the classroom learning programs and expectations. Well done Jayden for being a safe, respectful, responsible, learner!