Dear parents and carers,
It's been a long term and everyone is looking forward to a well-earned break. So many highlights to look back on in term 2:
>Another hugely successful Careers Night.
>Our school captains represented Naranga at the Frankston RSL schools' service.
>An amazing Outdoor Ed camp which I was fortunate to attend.
>The Girls Night In was a win.
>A great day of professional learning at our Curriculum Day.
>We thanked our dedicated Education Support Staff for their work on ES Day.
>We celebrated our second annual Brave Week with a focus on restorative practices.
Next term we're looking forward to the days getting slowly longer and the weather warming up as we head towards spring. At school we'll be looking forward to:
>Starting our term with NAIDOC Week.
>Camp Manyung for Juniors.
>100 days of school for preps on July 31.
>Book Fair in week 8.
>Senior Camp to Kryal Castle.
>Curriculum Day on August 19 when our staff will engage in cultural learning at Willum Warrain.
>Footy Colours Day on September 18.
>Aerobics Team going for another gold at Nationals.
This week you will receive your child's mid-year report. It gives a snapshot of where they are up to with their Individual Education Plan goals. In some classes, we've been unable to fully assess and report on student learning due to long-term staff absences. With the changes we've made this term to support learning continuity, we will be able to give families of students impacted by these factors a more accurate report next term.
Our major building project has roared back to life this week after a quiet period on site recently. Over the holidays the major work on the foundations of the new building will begin, as well as landscaping for the new playground. Things will start to happen quickly now as we see the shape of the new building emerge from the ground.
Have a safe and restful mid-year break. See you in term 3.
Kai Pukarinen