Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Kings Birthday Public Holiday

A reminder that there is a public holiday on this Monday 10th June.  

Trivia Night

A big thank you to our Parent Association for organising the Trivia Night - a fun social event for our parents.  This year's Trivia Night had an "80's theme" and there were many great costumes, hairstyles, fun and banter on the night.


Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Afternoon Tea

Our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program continues to expand this year with the introduction of an Afternoon Tea.  On Friday 24 May, we welcomed our Year 3-6 families to the hall for a beautiful afternoon tea.  It was well-attended and enjoyed by many.  Many thanks to Stella (Miles 3/4G) for her organisation and coordination of the program along with COHR staff member Karen Gosling.  And a special thanks to Nicole (Henry 3/4G & Patrick 1/2H) for her set-up and contribution to the Afternoon Tea.  The Hall looked amazing Nicole!


Open Day - Tuesday 11th June

If you have neighbours or friends whose children will be starting school in 2025 or 2026, please remind them that we have an Open Day on Tuesday 11th June.  Prospective families are welcome to come along for a tour on this day, or alternatively, please encourage them to ring the School Office on 9569 8966 and we are happy to arrange an alternative time that suits!

2025 Enrolments

Enrolments for Prep 2025 are now being accepted. We would ask that if you have a child commencing Prep next year that you collect and return an enrolment form at your earliest convenience. 

We are also accepting enrolments for all other year levels (Years 1-6).  If you have any friends or neighbours interested in enrolling at COHR, please encourage them to call the School Office on 9569 8966.

Pre-School Story Time

Do you know any 3 or 4 year olds who might like to come and listen a story and have some fun with Mrs Wakeling?  They are most welcome to come and join us at either 9.00am or 2.45pm on Tuesday 18th June in the Library.  More sessions of Story Time and Music Time for Pre Schoolers will be held again next term.

School Disco

The School Disco is on again!!

The school disco is for students of our school and will be held on FRIDAY 21st JUNE. There will be two sessions:

Prep – Year 2      5:00pm – 6:15pm

Years 3 – 6           6:30pm – 8:00pm

More information can be found on the Parent Association page of our newsletter.

Winter Illnesses

As  we officially enter into winter we are finding that we have a number of children absent from school due to viruses, colds and Covid.  We do appreciate it if parents can keep their child at home when they are unwell as this will help reduce the spread of any illness within the community.

School Fete - Friday 15th November

Thanks to Sarah Arnott and the team for all the organising behind the scenes. If you would like to assist, please reach out to Sarah or come to the fete meeting. Next meeting Tuesday 11 June at 7pm in the staffroom.

School Review

COHR is coming to the final stages of its four year review.  The purpose is to help us to review our achievements over the last 4 years and to help us to set new goals for the next four. We will meet with the reviewer next week.

Our reviewer has commented on how warm and welcoming we are as a community and how focused on their learning the students have been and how the staff are so in tune with the students in terms of their whole selves - socially, emotionally and academically. We will work with MACS to then formulate the schools 4 year school improvement plan from which we will devise our annual action plan for 2025.


Holiday Fun Activities

Don't forget to check out our library news section this week. Some great fun activities for the school holidays.


Keep safe and keep warm, 



Jo Cowan (Deputy Principal) &

Brian Martin (Lead Principal)