FWPS Parents Association

PA Committee Meeting No. 4 - Tomorrow - Friday, 17th May 2024
Join us for the fourth meeting of the year. 9:00am - 10:00am in the Staff Room. New faces welcome. Come along to meet the committee, meet other parents and contribute to the conversation. You don't need to be a member to attend meetings.
Mother’s Day Stall
Our annual Mothers & Special Person’s Day Stall was held last Friday with much excitement from the students. The children shopped for gifts with great enthusiasm, care and thought for their special person. If you were the lucky recipient of a gift from the stall, we hope you enjoyed receiving it!
Thank you to stall co-ordinator Andita Satia, along with Rebecca Pratt and Beth Scholes, whose efforts made this year’s stall such a special event.
Thank you also to the parents who assisted with the set up or running of the day. The students loved seeing all the parent helpers:
Vanessa Campbell, Anna Munro, Tom Gaden, Willis Cunningham, Carmel McNally, Naomi Finlay, Josh Madden, Alexandar Gligoroski, Steve Mason, Stuart Balloch, George Richards, Luke Campbell, Niraj Lal, John Fry, Tristan Andrews, Maria Barham, Paul Gregg, Dave Bunting, Christa Hanafi and Sharee Logan.
Father’s Day Stall Co-ordinator
Following the success of last week’s Mother’s Day Stall, we are seeking a stall co-ordinator for Term 3’s Father’s Day Stall. If you would like to make a contribution to this wonderful event by shopping for gifts and seeking donations, please get in touch with us via: FWPSParentsAssociation@outlook.com. We look forward to working with you!
Uniform Shop
As the weather begins to cool, and the sunsmart requirements are over for another summer, replace your sun hat with a beanie! Our FWPS Beanies can be purchased for $20 at the office, or at the second hand uniform shop.
The second hand uniform shop will next be open on Tuesday, 11th June.
With thanks,
Clare and Alicia
On behalf of the Footscray West Primary School Parents Association