Pupil of the Week

Award winners for this week

ThomasPACFor using a growth mindset when completing tasks and being a helpful member of our class. Well done!
OliviaPAKFor being a respectful and responsible member of our class and for the effort you apply to all your tasks. Keep up the amazing work!
TigerPBDFor being a wonderful attentive listener and showing respect to your classmates. You're a star!
FreddiePLBFor always trying his personal best and using wonderful manners. Great work Freddie!!!
Amelia1JMFor showing the School Value of Responsibility to her peers by helping them in tasks. Superb Amelia!
Nathan1JSFor being a caring classmate towards his peers. Your empathy and kindness puts a smile on everyone's faces. 
Emmy1LEFor the effort and persistence she showed during online testing. Fabulous!
Alex1LLFor the positive attitude you put towards your learning. Well done!
Ariya1MMFor being such a kind and caring member of our class. You consistently demonstrate the value of Belonging. Keep up the great work!
Teddy2BLFor showing a flair for dramatic reading when reading to his reading fluency partner.
Scarlett2CWFor the creative energy you put into designing and constructing your Maraca. Well done! 
Olive2DKFor the amazing attitude you show every day. It's great how you look for feedback to help improve your learning!
Baxter2MMFor always listening attentively and showing the values of respect and responsibility everyday.
Lucy2TFFor always showing respect to her classmates and offering to help others. Well done, Lucy!
Freya3KTFor developing her resilience and growth mindset when faced with challenging tasks.
Akoch3MPFor demonstrating responsibility within the classroom. Keep it up!
Rosie3TMFor her positive attitude and enthusiasm during our Australian Geography lessons. Well done Rosie!
Isabella3TNFor always demonstrating respect towards your teachers and classmates. Well done Isabella.
Nasra4AFFor receiving wonderful feedback from the CRT noting that she stayed focused during all learning tasks while Anthea was away. Great work Nasra, keep it up!
Daisy4CMFor being a kind and helpful member of 4CM and for always applying your personal best. Well done, Daisy! 
Eva4MKFor always applying your personal best effort to your work. Keep it up Eva!
Izzy5HTFor being a kind, considerate and supportive friend. Thank you for all that you do!
Archer5LWFor the attention to detail he has put into his information report on Marie Curie. Well done Archer.
Chase5RCFor always coming to school with a smile on his face and utilising his amazing growth mindset in Maths. You should be very proud of yourself! You are a Superstar!
Tane5TCFor helping around the classroom and showing an increased effort in his work. Well done, Tane!
Kieran6KRFor making adjustments in his behaviour to make a safe and positive learning area for everyone, and taking on additional responsibilities around the school. Great steps in the right direction!
Max6MAFor displaying excellent sportsmanship on the soccer pitch by playing fairly and encouraging his teammates. Great job Max!
Miles6MIFor working hard to stay focused in class and doing the right thing by others and yourself. You influence those around you with your positivity and effort towards all things. Fabulous work, Miles.
Oliver6MPFor using efficient maths strategies to solve problems. Keep it up, Oliver!
Sidney Price - 1MMTheirCareFor always looking out and making sure others are okay, especially when playing sports. Well done, Sid!!