
Lego Club 

Lego Club has started at Naranga School! This program is run by the therapy team on Fridays at lunchtime for the Upper Junior students. 


Lego Club focuses on students working together, communicating and collaborating, to build a structured Lego set. They take on a specific role of being an Engineer (reading the booklet and giving instructions), a Supplier (getting the Lego pieces) or a Builder (putting the pieces together). This involves a lot of team work. The students are doing an awesome job so far! 


Visuals used to explain the roles
Example of a Lego set
Visual used to describe the Lego pieces
Visuals used to explain the roles
Example of a Lego set
Visual used to describe the Lego pieces


Students then have the opportunity to engage in a free play activity to create their own individual Lego creation. 

Students showing their individual Lego creations
Students showing their individual Lego creations


We look forward to seeing more Lego creations throughout the term!


The Naranga Therapy Team