General Information


Did you know that past issues of the School Newsletter are available on the school website:



The official changeover to winter uniform is from the 3rd June 2024. However, parents are advised to use their discretion depending on the weather. 


Please remember though, depending on your choice, that the students are to be dressed in either: 


FULL SUMMER UNIFORM:   A school jumper or jacket may be worn. 


FULL WINTER UNIFORM  -  including school tie.


*** stockings are NOT to be worn with summer dresses.

*** no short sleeve shirts with trousers.

*** no long sleeve shirts with shorts.




As we enter the second term of the school year we ask that parents/guardians please ensure their child has everything required in their pencil case. 


Students in Year 1 to 6 are asked to provide ONE pencil case ONLY containing the following:


Years 1 and 2 - lead pencils, coloured pencils, highlighters, glue stick, eraser and sharpener.


Years 3 to 6 - lead pencils, coloured pencils, highlighters, ruler, glue stick, eraser and sharpener.  Students should also have a mouse and a set of head phones.



School photo day is on TUESDAY 4th June 2024. 


ALL students are to be dressed in their FULL WINTER UNIFORM.  This includes their SCHOOL TIE and BLACK school shoes (joggers/sport shoes are NOT to be worn).


Hair longer than shoulder length MUST be tied back.

  • All families will have received an email notifying them with details of the upcoming school photo date as well as purchase options for individual, class and family photo packs. Orders can be made through the Compass Portal.  
  • Parent/Carer enquiries should be directed to MSP Photography either via phone (02) 6772 3519 or email 




While we love to celebrate your child's birthday, parents and guardians are reminded to please contact the Office BEFORE bringing in icy poles, lollipops or cupcakes for your child’s birthday. 


This is to check for any allergies that may be in your child's class group as well as arrange an appropriate time with the class teacher. 


Please do not bring in any food that includes nuts or traces of nuts.



St Francis Xavier's is now taking enrolments for Kindergarten 2025!


If you, or someone you know, has a child eligible to commence Kindergarten next year then please contact the school office for an Enrolment Information Pack.


Parents are invited to an information morning to be held on Thursday 16th May at 9:30am. Please contact the School office to register for the Information Session by Friday 10th May 2024.



Student Safety in School Zone

Parents are asked to be hyper vigilant at pick-up times. The safety of children arriving and leaving the school grounds is paramount and depends on all parents taking care. Please be diligent and put child safety before convenience. PLEASE USE THE CROSSING AREA when bringing your child to school and collecting them after school. 


Parents are NOT allowed to collect their children from the bus zone. 

If you need to change your pick up arrangement, please contact the school and we will give your child a message.






The St Francis Xavier's annual Mother's Day Breakfast will be held next Friday 10th May. 


An invitation to the breakfast was sent home on Monday and is available on Compass. RSVPs are due back this Friday 3rd May.


Please note: Breakfast is for the adults only. 






School Fee Statements for the FULL year fees have been emailed to all families.  

The due date for payment is the 27th September 2024.


School fees may be paid either in full or by instalment.  A recurring BPAY payment is the recommended option for instalments.  


Payment options include:


🟢  BPAY  -  preferred option

🟢  EFTPOS  -  available at the school front office

🟢  Compass Pay

🟢  Cash or Cheque

🟢  ADIG direct debit  -  please contact Ms Hogan if you would like further information         about this option.


Please remember, if you are experiencing difficulty, please do not hesitate to contact the school office to arrange a payment plan.  


School fees are required to cover our running costs so it is important that your account is paid on time.  Thank you for your co-operation. 





A note was sent home yesterday and posted to Compass advising that students are required to wear their Sport Uniform on Wednesdays and Fridays this term. 





  • Mother's Day Breakfast invitation - due back on Friday
  • Term 2 - Sport Uniform



Thursday 2nd May - P & F Association Annual General Meeting

Friday 3rd May - Message Stick Assembly and Polding Winter Trials

Friday 10th May - Mother's Day Breakfast and P & F Association Stall