Activities and Events


Our staff and students were bursting with happiness last Monday to be back at school after the holiday break. 


We commenced the Term with a special assembly to celebrate the Catholic Schools NSW (CSNSW) Aboriginal & Torres Strait Education Conference Message Stick. The Message Stick began its journey last Term and was welcomed into our Parish at Mass last Sunday. This week the students have been learning about the Message Stick and sharing its message of coming together, learning together and celebrating together.


We are honoured to have the privilege of hosting the Message Stick this week and will be celebrating with a whole school assembly on Friday. We invite our families and school community to join us for assembly at 12:45pm under the COLA and stay for a picnic lunch on the oval. 


We are looking forward to a variety of events this term including the P&F Association Mother’s Day Stall and celebrating both NAIDOC Week and Catholic Schools Week. We will be supporting our students receiving the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Our families are invited to school for our Mother’s Day Breakfast, Book Fair and an information session for Kindergarten 2025. Students will be participating in our annual Athletics Carnival as well as competing at the Polding Winter Trials and Diocesan Cross Country. 





Mrs Jenny Laird has recently been acknowledged by the Armidale Catholic Schools Office (CSO) for her 40 years of service. Mrs Laird has been a valued member of our St Francis Xavier's community for many years before taking up her position with the CSO. Currently, we still benefit from her presence as she comes to Narrabri regularly to support our Early Career Teachers. Congratulations Mrs Laird!! 




Last term we received a visit from the Armidale Catholic Schools Office (CSO) Director, Mrs Regina Menz. Mrs Menz was appointed as Director at the beginning of this year and took the time last term to visit all twenty-four schools in our Diocese. While at St Francis Xavier’s, Mrs Menz enjoyed her Learning Walks through the classrooms and visiting with our staff. 


We would also like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Menz for supporting our Garden Club fundraiser. She was the first to receive a gift of thanks from our vegie patch.





Our Tesselar Bulb Fundraiser concluded at the end of last term and it was a huge success for our Garden Club. With a total of forty-one orders we raised over $1,500!!! All funds raised will be going towards the purchase of new trees, herbs, seeds and organic fertilizer to help our school garden flourish.



To show our appreciation for your support of our school, anyone who purchased bulbs through the fundraiser are invited to attend assembly next Friday 10th May to receive a gift from the vegie patch. 




Last Thursday our students stood tall and participated with pride in the ANZAC Day march. During the service we were reminded of the spirit of the ANZACs including their bravery, loyalty and courage. We paid tribute to the men and women who served, we prayed for those who continue to serve and remembered those who died for our freedom. 


Thank you to everyone who attended.




On Monday and Tuesday this week our Leadership Team attended a Clarity Planning workshop in Gunnedah led by the Catholic Schools Office. CLARITY, written by Dr Lyn Sharratt, is a book that illustrates how system and school leaders must come together to boost student achievement. 

The two-day workshop focused on this online learning platform.