Year 10 News
Term 1 Introduction
As the 2024 year commences, we envisage a comprehensive journey to create a vision for the future and strengthen our relationships at school. Our College values of Belonging, Understanding, Respect, and Growth are key to creating a positive and inclusive environment for students, teachers, staff, parents, and the wider community. Thanks to our continued work with Calmer Classrooms, professional learning, and exciting programs such as Study Skills, Careers and the Business Academy, year 10 teachers have the foundations to build preconditions for learning and success.
Meet the Year 10 Team
We are pleased to announce for 2024, the year 10 team has a diverse group of experienced staff who will serve not only as teachers, but also mentors.
Mr. McGavisk – Assistant Principal, Year 10
Mr. Wu – Leading Teacher / 10A - Maths and Science
Ms. Giarusso – Form Teacher Leader / 10D - English and Humanities
Mr. Jaffal – Restorative Practices Leader / 10G – Maths and Numeracy
Ms. Yousif – Leading Teacher / 10C – Business and Humanities
Ms. Singh – Form Teacher / 10B – English and Humanities
Mr. Withana – Form Teacher / 10E – Maths and Numeracy
Ms. Rupinder Kaur – Form Teacher / Science Learning Area Leader / 10F – Science, Biology and Maths
Ms. Mandeep Kaur – Form Teacher / 10H – Maths and Science
Mr. Al-Bonajem – Youth Worker
As part of our college’s expectations, and to prepare your child for success, a reminder that the correct uniform (Term 1 is Summer Uniform) needs to be worn, with P.E. uniforms being worn only on P.E. sport days. Students are also expected to bring in their Ready to Learn Materials to form and classes throughout the day. Our form teachers will conduct regular weekly checks to ensure your child has the necessary support in terms of their equipment. Uniforms, laptops, and books are available upon request from students and families if support is needed.
To help your child prepare for Senior School, all year 10 students will sit a practice version of the General Achievement Test (GAT) during week 4. The GAT is a test that helps assess general knowledge and skills in:
- English (literacy skills)
- Mathematics (numeracy skills)
- Science (analytical skills)
- Technology (IT and technical skills)
- Reading, Reasoning and Written Communication (comprehension skills)
The results of the GAT are also used to help assess student levels in reference to VCE or VM study scores.
During form classes we will be introducing students to some study skills. The purpose of this is to prepare students to achieve success this year and support the transition to years 11 & 12. Below are some of the key skills:
- Time management / study schedule
- Coping with stress
- Note taking
- Book and note organisation
- Test and exam question review
To celebrate and recognize our year 10 students’ achievements, Student of the Week certificates have been issued to 3 students by a classroom or form teacher. Students are nominated for achieving high numbers of merits, excellent attendance, completion of tasks or homework, and more importantly, displaying our College Values of Respect, Belonging, Growth and Understanding.
As of week 4, the following students have been nominated for Student of the Week:
Mr. Daniel Hyland of 10D (Week 2 and 3)
Miss. Rand Alrabian of 10A (Week 2)
Miss. Marylene Afaese of 10A (Week 3)
Miss. Zara Alzafiri of 10A (Week 3)
Miss. Amanda Dawood of 10B (Week 3)
Mr. Joshua Schaumkel of 10F (Week 3)
GPA (Grade Point Average)
During week 6, we are in the process of reporting GPAs in the Term 1 cycle. This is an opportunity for students and their families to review and discuss progress with their classroom and form teachers. Following the success in the first cycle, we are hoping for another round of positive GPAs by the end of week 7. Please seek help from the teacher if you wish to discuss feedback and concerns regarding GPAs.