
Mr Matthew Pankhurst, Head of Music

ACC Concert Band Workshop Day 

Many of our Woodwind, Brass, Percussion and rhythm section instrumentalists attended Associated Catholic Colleges (ACC) Concert Band Workshop Day in Melbourne on Monday, 12 August. This is just one of a series of workshops run by the ACC to develop and extend students musical skills. Already this year students have attended an Improvisation Workshop and there is a contemporary focused Battle of the Bands later this term.  


The students had a very enjoyable day meeting and working with students from St Bernard’s, Mazenod, St Bede’s and St Joseph’s Ferntree Gully. They worked on a number of pieces of music, but the emphasis was to develop skill and knowledge about the performance process. Our students worked with either a senior or junior group based on their level of experience.  


We are very excited that our music students will be involved in a different ACC project next year, ACCent on Music. We will combine with students from other ACC schools to form ensembles and present a performance at Hamer Hall, Melbourne. Yes, the beautiful and iconic concert hall on St Kilda Rd. The concert sells out so over 2000 audience members are in attendance - what a thrill for our boys! There is definitely an opportunity for younger players to be involved. Another reason families should consider our Rising Stars Ensemble Program. Please email for more details. 

More Festival Success for our Music Ensembles 

On Wednesday, 14 August, the College’s Symphonic Wind Ensemble represented the school at the Victorian School Music Festival. This section of the event was held in Geelong and the performance was also live streamed via the internet. 


The Festival is a premiere educational and performance opportunity for schools and many bands attend to perform, learn a receive feedback over a number of weeks. Each band performs and directly after works with an internationally recognised maestro who rates each band’s performance. 


It is somewhat like a competition, but rather than having first, second and third, the bands are awarded different levels for their performance against a set of criteria. As was the case with our Stage Band recently, the Chief Adjudicator, Dr Nick Matherne, awarded the ensemble Gold. This is a very high level of achievement. Against all of the performance criteria the band was rated ‘Excellent’ or ‘Outstanding’ and Excellent overall. 

The comments were equally impressive, Dr Matherne saying:  “You are making such good music…” and “The control is really impressive!”   


The band presented a lovely program, Obi Dancing by Tania Daniels, Perthshire Majesty by Samuel Hazo and Joy! By Frank Ticheli. Both the Senior Stage Band and Symphonic Winds will be amongst the featured performers at SPC in Concert later this month (read more below). Congratulations to all and thank you for your support.        

SPC in Concert

For the first time, our premier music event SPC in Concert will be held in the Performing Arts Centre on Wednesday, 28 August.

As mentioned, the event will feature performances by the Senior Stage Band and Symphonic Wind Ensemble as well as the Percussion Ensemble, Guitar Ensemble and other bands and individual performers.

The free concert begins at 6.30pm and bookings are required. Click on the button below.