Senior School

Mr Mark Robson, Head of Senior School

Year 12 Formal

On Friday, 2 August, the Year 12 students arrived at the Mercure Hotel and Convention Centre dressed in their finest and accompanied by their invited guest.  Many mingled in the foyer, where they had their photos taken before moving into the main hall.  Fuelling up on the food provided – sausage rolls, dim sims and mini hamburgers to name a few – washed down by a class or two of soft drink, the boys and their partners then hit the dance floor.  A highlight of the evening for the supervising staff was watching the students attempt the Nutbush dance, before having to intervene to set the crowd straight and provide a level of co-ordination on the dance floor.  By the end of the song, it was a sight to see everyone dancing in unison. 


All staff in attendance were impressed with the behaviour of the students in attendance, with many making a beeline for them as they left at the end of the night to say thank you for organising the event.  In addition, it was nice to witness many of the boys offering their jackets to their partners as they exited into the cold night air, a gentlemanly act.

Time to vote

On Wednesday, 14 August our Acting Assistant Principal – Community Engagement and resident VCE Australian History teacher Mr John Richards addressed our Year 12 cohort on their right to vote.  John took them through the history of democracy, from its origins in Ancient Greece to the Australian context.  He walked the boys through how voting is a right that we have here in Australia that has come about through the sacrifice of generations that have come before them, and that it is a right that should be taken seriously.  With all Year 12 students either 18 already or turning 18 in the next nine months, John emphasised that it is not only important that they enrol to vote, but also compulsory for them to enrol and to vote in the elections held here in Australia.  More information can be found at: Enrol to vote - Australian Electoral Commission (

VTAC applications

The end of the 2024 academic year is drawing closer, with our Year 12 cohort having just under seven weeks remaining in the classroom. Mr Anthony Meehan, our Careers and Transition Manager, is busy meeting with all Year 12 students who are planning to put in an application for university places.  For parents, this is an important time to engage in conversations with their sons about their future pathways.  Some have a very clear idea of what they want to do next year and others are not so certain and considering of taking a gap year. Those students considering the latter option should still be putting in an application through VTAC as they will be offered a course at University that they can then defer for commencement in another year.  If they have any questions, encourage them to have a conversation with Mr Meehan, their Homeroom Teacher, a subject teacher they feel comfortable with, one of our Year 12 Co-ordinators or myself as Head of the Senior School.