Middle School

Mrs Karina Dunne, Head of Middle School

What does it mean to be the best version of yourself?

Being the best version of yourself isn’t about perfection but about authenticity. It's not a destination but a journey that sometimes takes many years to develop, eventually becoming our true authentic selves.


Our Middle School team has been exploring themes about personal growth through the Rite Journey lesson (Year 9) and workshops provided by the Tomorrow Man (Year 10).  We, as a team, always try to incorporate life lessons in our interactions with our students as we know that life can be challenging and filled with ups and downs, but during these times, it becomes essential to remind ourselves and students about the importance of self-compassion and seeking support.

Year 10: Tomorrow Man

On Wednesday, 31 July, our Year 10 cohort was fortunate to spend a couple of hours with the members of the Tomorrow Man, working through Module Two: The History of Man. The Tomorrow Man group attended in Term 2, working through Module One, Breaking the Man Code, and students were impressed and engaged with these presenters. Students will work through three Modules in Year 10, with Year 9 students having the opportunity to participate in a Module, Connection Code, in Term 4 in preparation for their Year 10 Pastoral Care journey. 


In the ‘History of Man’ Module, students learned about the historical evolution of humans. They began to understand how to identify the positive and negative traits that men have carried for years and that have shaped them. Many reflection and discussion opportunities were provided, allowing students to engage with the presenters and evaluate the world around them. We look forward to the last Module in Term 4: Man and the Mask, which focuses on excessive ‘banter’ effects on individuals and the culture of a cohort.

2025 subject selections

Congratulations to the year 10 cohort who were able to submit their online VCE/VM Pathway subject preferences for 2025 by the due date. This allows allocating and sorting out subjects for 2025 to run efficiently. Year 9s going into Year 10 in 2025, online web preferences are due today. A credit to both cohorts who have been seeking guidance and support when choosing subjects via their Pastoral Care Teachers, Year Level Coordinators and Subject teachers. Asking questions allows for a more informed decision, so well done, Middle School!