Junior School

Mr Tom Nash, Head of Junior School

GRIT Awards:

Congratulations to the following students who received the GRIT Award for the month of July. The GRIT Award is presented to a student based on the observations of a student’s teacher who demonstrates a:

  • Growth Mindset
    • Effort and attitude are key to growth
    • Desire to challenge self
  • Respect
    • Respectful interactions with students and staff
    • Respect for uniform and College property
  • Inclusive
    • Contribute to a safe environment
    • Honor cultural and individual diversity
  • Tuned In
    • Be an active participant in class
    • Attend lessons on time with the right equipment
                       Year 7
7APatrick Rafter
7BJack Gerdtz
7CWill Hogan
7DGiles Allen
7EHarvey Wilson
7FJasper Wall
7GKai Geddes
7HJoshua Titheridge 
7IHarry Sands
                             Year 8
8AWill Richardson
8BCharlie Davies
8CAayush Ahlawat
8DSeth Marks
8EElijah Atkinson
8FBen Buckland
8GOscar Down
8HMax Johnston
8IChase Tonkin

Elephant Ed workshops

Correspondence was communicated to Year 7 and Year 8 families regarding the upcoming Elephant Ed workshops titled Sexuality in the Media – Part 1 (Year 7) and Sexuality in the Media – Part 2 (Year 8) on Monday, 9 September and Tuesday, 10 September respectively. The following topics will be covered:

  • Introduction to everyday sexualised images one might see in the media
  • Critical analysis of this imagery, with a particular focus around the distortions relating to body image and consent
  • Introduction to sexual consent and discussion around the lack of consent in sexualised media and imagery
  • Discussion around the physical pressures and emotional consequences of exposure to pornography, including how to cope and change this rhetoric


Parents and carers are invited to participate in this educational experience to assist with potential conversations at home around these topics. Please see below, an invitation to a webinar which will be presented by Elephant Ed on Sexuality in the Media.

What: Parent / Carer webinar

When: Monday, 2 September

Time: 7pm – 8pm 


This webinar will include the following key discussion points: 

  • Statistics and prevalence of exposure to pornography amongst young people
  • Impact of exposure, including key distortions
  • Strategies to start effective conversations at home

You are required to register in advance for this webinar. Please use the link below to register: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VFBiRuGQTqCocug47LDeHg 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. 

Year 8 Health Day – “Values in Action”

During Week 8, Year 8 students will participate in an initiative titled “Values in Action” which is facilitated by Ballarat Community Health staff. The students will engage a rotation of four workshops – all focussing on important issues appropriate to adolescence. The event aims to:

  • Engage young people in discussions about respect and healthy relationships with peers, teachers, family and community. 
  • Promote where young people can access help/support if they, or a friend, are experiencing gender-based violence. 
  • Raise awareness and develop positive upstander actions to support speaking out against gender-based violence and discrimination. 

More information will be communicated to families in Week 6.

Student Council homeroom visits 


In the last couple of weeks, Year 12 students from the Student Council have visited the Year 7 Homerooms. 

  • The Year 12 Student Council members discussed: 
    • Their journey at St Patrick’s – what the St Patrick’s community has done for them and how they have contributed to it
    • How each Year 7 student can make the most of their opportunities at St Patrick’s
  • The Student Council members also read the Daily Messages and Prayer and also answered questions that the Year 7’s had for them

I hope the Year 7’s enjoyed this – the Student Council members are terrific role models for the students at St Pat's.


Tom Nash, Head of Junior School

Margie Dodd & Jacinta Burge, Year 7 Coordinators  

Sam Cue & John Hearn, Year 8 Coordinators