Mission & Identity

Mr Geoff Brodie - Assistant Principal Mission & Identity

Let us all rejoice in the Lord,

as we celebrate the feast day in honour of the Virgin Mary,

at whose Assumption the Angels rejoice

and praise the Son of God.

(Entrance antiphon, Solemnity of The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary)


On Thursday, 8 August we celebrated the Solemnity of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop – Australia’s first saint. We celebrated Mary’s dedication in caring for the material and spiritual needs of children, and her for the poor. In all the challenges she faced, St Mary never doubted the unceasing protection of ‘our good God.’ (cf Weekday Missal). Then, on Thursday 15 August, Fr Eladio Lizada OSJ led us in the Mass to celebrate the Solemnity of The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


“Blessed is she….” Having completed the course of her earthly life, Mary was assumed body and soul into heaven. Her assumption reminds us that heavenly glory is our Christian destiny. As we keep the end of life’s pilgrim journey before us, we join with Mary in praising the greatness of God.” (Weekday Missal) 


In the words of Fr Richard Leonard SJ:

The Catholic Tradition has always honoured Mary as being obedient, the pre-eminent disciple of her Son and the sign of what could await all Christians who are invited to share in the mission of Jesus on earth. Religious obedience is not passive. We listen to the voice of God and choose to say yes to Christ’s love and liberation. Discipleship does not mean our personality counts for nothing. Rather, it’s the valuing of every individual’s ability to contribute to Christ’s kingdom in a unique way. Prefiguring what can happen for all of us does not diminish the particular gifts God lavished on Mary but reassures us that God recognises his own in this world and the next.


Our Mass was a beautiful and joy filled moment. Many thanks to 

  • Fr Eladio, who continues to inspire us with his leadership of faith and joy. 
  • The students of our Liturgical choir who lead our singing so beautifully: Henry Bennett, Patrick Bennett, Will Charles, Lachie Hodge, Oskar Kaletsch, Lucas Martin, Cade Constable, Lachlan McColl, Liam Morrison, Gabe Vivian-Fagan, Charles Horne, Abraham Muller and Jimmy Vaiotu. A Special mention must be made of Lachie Hodge who once again led us splendidly as cantor. 
  • Students Jacob Van Raaphorst, Charlie Richardson, Oskar Folkes, and Joel Missen. Our Mass was enriched by their wonderful piece they composed and played, titled “Otherwise.”
  • Mrs Majella Muller, for her expert guidance and preparation of the student choir. Majella also combined with Acting Deputy Principal Mrs Carol Roberts (flute) to offer a majestic version of Ave Maria. 
  • Those who proclaimed the Word during Mass: Sebastian O’Sullivan (Year 12), Mitchell Chalmers (Year 11) and staff members Mrs Ingrid Perkins and Mrs Rebekah Curtis-Lester.
  • The Maintenance and AV Teams, assisted by Mrs Jacinta Burge, for their transformation of the O’Malley Gym into a place of worship.  
  • Mrs Helen Lee, College Sacristan, for her unwavering support of the liturgical life of the College. 

After Mass, our annual student led Faith in Action Assembly was held. At this Assembly:

  • We presented the funds raised from our Edmund Rice Month efforts to 
    • Edmund Rice Foundation, represented by former Principal Br Bill Wilding and Lousie Allison
    • Edmund Rice Community Services (Victoria), represented by Mr Mark Monahan
    • Caritas, represented by Mr Jillian Hogbin. 
  • We heard from guest speaker, Ms Ellen Burns. Ellen established the business “We Bar None” that was the first Victorian business (and third in Australia) to have 100% certified home compostable packaging. Ellen spoke of the need to care for our environment. 
  • College Captain, Noah Quick, spoke of the College’s connection to Compassionate Ballarat, a member of the Global Charter for Compassion. Recently students responded to the invitation to offer a vision of a more compassionate society, and submitted the following goals: 
    • We wish to belong to an inclusive community that stands against violence towards all Women
    • That many will strive to work for an equitable distribution of wealth.
    •  To bring an end to the aggression towards front-line workers, ensuring respectful relationships are always present.
    •  We wish to achieve easier access to services for those in need.
  • We heard from the Faith in Action and SAGERS students of the generous service they offer the wider community, and the invitation for all students to be involved. 

The College acknowledges the students who prepared and led, under the guidance of Mr Michael Weadon, the entire Assembly: Noah Quick, Paterson Meneely, Angus Rothe, Nick Wills-Pitt, Jagger Powell-Walters, Tristan Earle, and Jensen Coelho.



Also on Thursday our “Nude Food Day” was successfully conducted by the SAGERS and Faith in Action students, assisted by generous staff members (Ms Wendy Porter, Ms Kate Millan, Mr Brett Earl, Mr Claudio Procaccino Mrs Ingrid Perkins, Ms Rhonda Seamons, Ms Karen Spezza and Mr Dean Hackwill) and again the Maintenance team for tables, bollards and set up. Delicious food with minimal environmental impact was served and enjoyed. 


Finally, a sincere thank you to all families who completed the recent survey, with a special mention to those who persisted despite a few technical hiccups along the way. 


A busy week! But this is the life that seeks to fulfill our vision of "educating hope-filled, compassionate and confident young men for their place in the world." 


May your week be blessed.