Quick bites

Keeping you informed with SPC news and events

Congratulations, Finnley Walsh! 

It's official! SPC Year 10 student Finnley Walsh is one of Australia's finest young writers, winning the national Little Stories, Big Ideas writing competition.

Open to secondary school students across Australia each term, entrants must write 100 words or less of any literary style on the nominated theme.

The competition aims to inspire and encourage the next generation of storytellers. 


In awarding Finnley first place in the Term 2 Senior Division with the theme 'Tomorrow' the judges commented:

Finnley's piece is a poignant reminder of life's fragility and the danger of procrastination. The juxtaposition of mundane tasks with apocalyptic events creates a powerful emotional impact. It's a haunting reflection on regret, missed opportunities and the unpredictability of tomorrow.


Enough Time by Finnley Walsh

Dave never thought It could happen here (the bombs that is). Standing on the porch he never finished painting, the watched as the nuke hit Melbourne (obliterating that aquarium he promised he would take the kids to). The hospital was torn to pieces (he never did get around to that blood donor appointment). As the fog rose, he realised that the radiation was imminent, and it would likely poison that river he never got to fish from. He thought of how he spent his days, watching the telly in his living room (He always thought he'd have more time). 

Break the Cycle spin event

St Patrick's College is committed to promoting respectful relationships and ending gender violence, and our Boarding Captain Ollie Hannaford together with our Student Council is leading the charge with a spin cycle event.

The event will involve teams of students and staff cycling non-stop for 24 hours, symbolising the continuous effort needed to 'Break the Cycle' of gender violence.

Our goal is to raise $2750 for Ballarat's Raven Collective, a transformative social enterprise dedicated to empowering women who have experienced domestic abuse.

You can help by contributing financially or by donating items for a raffle to be held on the day.

To donate funds, click on this button:

To donate raffle items, contact the Development office on 5331 1688 or email development@stpats.vic.edu.au

Write a book in a day competition

St Patrick’s College, the Kelty Resource Centre and the CW Club is entering a team in the 'Write a Book in a Day' program, a national initiative of the Kids' Cancer Project. 


Five to 10 students will work together for 12 hours' straight to write and illustrate a book entirely their own. On 23 August, with no chance to prepare, the team must co-operate to create their literary masterpiece. They will raise money for kids’ cancer research, and their completed book will be delivered to sick kids in hospitals - they'll make a real difference. 


Our team has already raised over a thousand dollars for this fantastic cause, but the more the better! To contribute to this wonderful initiative, and raise money for kids’ cancer research, please click here.

Father's Day Mass & Breakfast

Registrations are now open for our annual Father's Day Mass & Breakfast on Friday, 30 August.

We warmly invite all fathers and father figures to join us for this wonderful tradition, beginning with Mass in our College chapel at 7am, followed by a delicious breakfast in the OCA Pavilion.

Click on the button below to register. Don't forget to register your son/student! We look forward to celebrating with you.

SPC Parents & Friends

The next meeting of the St Patrick's College Parents & Friends will be held on Tuesday, 20 August in the Performing Arts Centre at 5pm.

The aim of the Parents & Friends is to support the College in a range of co-curricular activities and events. It's also a wonderful opportunity to engage with other members of the SPC community. New members are most welcome and no experience is necessary!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Uniform Shop 

Dobson's onsite uniform shop is open during the following hours:

  • Monday: 8.30am-11.30am 
  • Wednesday: 1.30pm-4.30pm 
  • Friday: 8.30am-11.30am 

Please note that Click and Collect orders can only be collected from the shop during opening hours. 

Parking reminder

The City of Ballarat has advised it will be undertaking regular patrols of the College precinct at school drop off and pick up times this term to ensure parking compliance. 

Any breaches observed will be enforced to help ensure the safety of students, staff and the broader school community. 

We encourage all road users to adhere to the law to maintain the ongoing safety of everyone involved.

Term Dates 2024

Term 3           

All Students Commence: Monday, 15 July

Boarders' Exeat: Monday, 19 August          

Classes Conclude: Friday, 13 September

VCE Practice Exams Monday, 16 September – Friday, 20 September


Term 4 

All Students Commence: Monday, 7 October

Boarders' Exeat: Monday, 4 November and Tuesday, 5 November (Melbourne Cup)

Classes Conclude: Tuesday, 10 December