Principal's Message

Mr Kim Forward
Acting Principal
Term 3 is always a very full term; maybe we forgot during the COVID years what it was like but Term 3 2023 has been back to its fullest – exciting and jam-packed with student and community activities.
Our major College events in Term 3 were those when the whole community – students, parents and staff – came together: the College Musical in July, the Year 11 Presentation Ball in August and the Fathers Day Breakfast and Cumberland Concerts in September. Each were very well attended and were joyous occasions of family celebration and pride.
Faculties have been busy hosting their special events for students: Humanities Week, Sustainability Week and the long-running and much-loved Book Week, including as always the exciting Fairview Book Parade; there were many interesting characters running around the school on that Friday.
Year 8 students undertook their City Experience in August; although initially challenging for some, this two-day activity does much for encouraging independence and self-reliance as well as opening eyes to life in the Melbourne CBD.
I thank our Careers department for the huge task in Term 3 of supporting Year 10 students with making their VCE subject choices and Year 12 students with selecting tertiary pathways.
College Chaplain Rev. Blakemore has re-launched the Aitken Faith Community Family Worship monthly on a Sunday and our Intermediate Boys Soccer Team came second in the State Finals. We wish our sheep and chickens all the best for their entries in the Royal Melbourne Show!
I wish all Aitken families a safe, restful and enjoyable holiday break.