First Nations News

Celebrating Indigenous Literacy Day and the UN Declaration Anniversary
September commemorates Indigenous Literacy Day as well as the anniversary of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Indigenous Literacy Day (6 September) reminds us of the vital role that language and education play in preserving Indigenous traditions. It's a day to support literacy initiatives and bridge educational gaps within Indigenous communities.
The UN Declaration anniversary is a milestone in recognising and respecting the rights of Indigenous peoples globally. It reaffirms our commitment to justice, equality and the preservation of cultural heritage.
The Indigenous Voice to Parliament
On Monday 11 September, Year 11 students Angelique C and Paige R presented speeches at the Dunhelen Assembly about the upcoming Indigenous Voice to Parliament Referendum. These speeches informed Dunhelen students of the reasons behind the referendum and allowed them to develop informed perspectives.
The Year 11 students did a tremendous job providing a balanced debate that discussed both the importance of recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives in the Constitution as well as other options that could be used to empower Indigenous Australians.
Koori Heritage Trust School Holiday Programs
These school holidays, the Koorie Heritage Trust will be running several exciting programs celebrating Indigenous culture, art and history. Budding creatives can look forward to designing their own books or crafting clay echidnas. More information can be found at