General Information


Did you know that past issues of the School Newsletter are available on the school website:


A friendly reminder that St Francis Xavier's School is an allergy aware school. 


This means that we aim to create a safe environment for our students with allergies and request that our families are mindful of the foods being packed in their child's lunchbox. 


Your assistance is greatly appreciated.





Please be advised that the School Canteen will NOT be open on the following dates:

Thursday 14th September 2023

Friday 15th September 2023

Monday 18th September 2023

Friday 22nd September 2023


We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.




Every time a child arrives late to school (after 9:00am) they must be accompanied by their Parent or Carer to the School Office and signed in. An electronic kiosk is located at the front office counter which MUSTbe completed by a parent or guardian.  Paper notifications are to be completed by non parents and guardians



This is a NSW Government requirement and it is imperative that these steps are followed. If these steps are not adhered to your child will be marked absent for the day.




A reminder that if anyone other than a parent, or legal guardian is picking a student up early from school, then either a note, email or phone call from the student’s parent/guardian must be received at the office. 


Persons who are listed as an emergency contact for your child do not have permission to pick a student up early without the school office first receiving notification from the parent/guardian. 







All families please be reminded that children are asked not to bring toys to school. This includes Barbies, trucks etc as well as sports equipment (footballs, soccer balls or basketballs).


The exception to this is, if the item is for a special occasion such as news day or if it has been pre-arranged with their teacher. 


Bringing toys from home causes distractions at school as well as the possibility of them being accidentally lost or broken. The school is not responsible for any damage or loss of items brought in from home. 


Thank you for your support.





If your child has misplaced any belongings please ask them to check the lost property located in the Office. Any uniform item not claimed by the end of the Term will donated to the clothing pool. All other items not claimed by the end of the Term will be donated to Vinnies. 


Please see below our lost property procedure: 

* LABELLED ITEMS - Returned to child

* ITEMS NOT LABELLED OR EX STUDENT NAME - Placed in lost property





Term 3 School Fee Statements were emailed to families last week.  

The due date for payment is the 30th September 2023.


Payment options include:


🟢  BPAY  -  preferred option

🟢  EFTPOS  -  available at the school front office

🟢  Compass Pay

🟢  Cash or Cheque

🟢  ADIG direct debit  -  please contact Ms Hogan if you would like further information         about this option.


Please remember, if you are experiencing difficulty, please do not hesitate to contact the school office to arrange a payment plan.  


School fees are required to cover our running costs so it is important that your account is paid on time.  Thank you for your co-operation. 








  • Netball Schools Cup Regional Finals - due back Wednesday 13th September
  • Year 6 Excursion Information
  • Term 4 Canteen Roster - due back Wednesday 20th September
  • Year 4 and Year 6 - Real Talk Session 
  • Australian Catholic Magazine



Tuesday 12th September - Todd Woodbridge Cup Regional Finals

Wednesday 13th September - Dance Extravaganza practice at The Crossing Theatre

Thursday 14th September - The 'Well Being' Educational Incursion

Friday 15th September - Armidale Diocesan Gala Day (Netball & Soccer)

Monday 18th September - Kindergarten 2024 Transition continues, Dance Extravaganza practice at The Crossing Theatre, Stage 3 attending Dr Kahl

Wednesday 20th September - Netball Schools Cup Regional Finals and Real Talk Sessions

Thursday 21st September - Final Dance Extravaganza practice at The Crossing Theatre and Dance Extravaganza Performance

Friday 22nd September - Last Day of Term 3


Monday 9th October - Staff and Students return for Term 4