Activities and Events


Our school garden is thriving thanks to the recent purchases of new tools and equipment. Mrs Foster has been busy again shopping for new watering cans, a wheelbarrow, seed propagator and fertilizer. This equipment has been bought locally from McKechnie Bros. 


We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone again for supporting our Term 1 Bulb Drive Fundraiser as these funds have been used to make these purchases. 






To celebrate Father’s Day, we welcomed our fathers, step fathers, grandfathers and uncles to a wonderful Father’s Day breakfast!! The students enjoy sharing these occasions with their loved ones and it was fantastic to see so many attend the breakfast. 


Thank you to the families who kindly donated eggs for breakfast and our staff for cooking the bacon and egg rolls and serving refreshments. 


We hope everyone had a lovely Father's Day last Sunday.




On Thursday 31st August we celebrated Australian Teacher Aide Appreciation Week with a special morning tea in the staffroom. A huge thank you to our fantastic Education Assistants and Aboriginal Education Assistant for everything you do! 



Last week, our Leader of Pedagogy, Mrs Greenaway, attended the two day ACER Research Conference held in Sydney. The conference aimed to identify how we can improve the continuity and provide consistent learning from birth to 12 years. Mrs Greenaway walked away from the Conference with a lot of new and useful information for St Francis Xavier’s. 




Our Parent Information Session, led by Inspector Robert Dunn from Narrabri Police, was well attended last Monday. The main topics of the presentation session were the ongoing issues of social media and e-cigarettes (vaping). 


Inspector Dunn provided a very thorough presentation to our families detailing ways to support your child online, the age restrictions and the reasons for those restrictions on apps and the misuse of technology. He went on to highlight the dangers vaping has on developing bodies and the high exposure young people have to e-cigarettes. 


Inspector Dunn concluded by discussing future developments to support the youth of Narrabri. A huge thank you to Inspector Dunn for hosting this very important information session and sharing his extensive knowledge




Last Thursday, our staff attended a CPR and Anaphylaxis Training session with Mr Cameron McFarlane from the Royal Life Saving Society. 


Stage 3 students were given the opportunity to participate in a CPR information session with Mr McFarlane on Friday afternoon. They were engaged throughout the entire session eagerly answering questions and counting along to the compressions and breaths. 


These newly learnt skills were then put into practice using the resuscitation mannequins.