Welcome to IPS Picnic - 7th of February - (5.30pm - 8pm Oval)
Year Level Information Evenings (online) Week beginning 10th of February
Meet the Teacher (in person -10-minute timeslots) Wednesday the 19th of February
Working Bee Saturday the 1st of March
"Parents Only" Cybersafety Education Session Wednesday 5th of March - 6.30pm - 8pm
School Photos Friday 21st of March
Welcome to IPS
I am confident that 2025 will be a fabulous year for our students, families and staff.
This edition of Inside Ivanhoe has a lot of dates in it so please note the ones that are relevant to you in your diaries. This week you will have received a letter from your child's class teacher with additional information regarding online "Parent Information Evenings" and in person "Meet the Teacher" events.
Each year, our PFA (Parents & Friends Association) puts on a Welcome Picnic in the first few weeks of the school term to welcome both new and returning families to Ivanhoe Primary School. We hope to see you this Friday night.
Please feel free to bring a picnic, rug, drinks, chairs etc but do please take your rubbish home so it's not still there for the following Monday's school day. The birds love making a mess of our grounds.
The PFA has arranged for two food truck to trade at the event which can be helpful for families where parents are rushing from work etc. In addition, the canteen will be offering sushi , thai salads and other tasty treats.
Cyber Safety Parent Session at IPS
Parents Only Cybersafety Education Session Wednesday 5th of March - 6.30pm - 8pm
Understanding digital safety can be daunting, and it’s often hard for parents and carers to know how to approach what can be a tricky topic.
This interactive workshop will empower you with the skills and knowledge to:
I visited the Beehive this week and was pleased to see our Year 6s confidently enjoying their new space. What a great start to their final year of primary school.
Drop off
In the mornings at drop off please refrain from waiting until your child goes into the classroom. I am aware that it is only Week Two, but almost all the children with the exception of Foundation are capable of being left to line up when the music begins and the bell sounds. Mrs Wright, Mr King and I are supervising before school from 8.45am and after school until 3.45pm.
Large groups of adults staying to wave children into class can be unsettling and intimidating to small children. It is lovely to see parents chatting with each other. However, please consider moving well away from the line up area and leaving before the bell to go to class. This allows the children a period of independance and agency and makes the transition from outside play to inside learning time infinitely easier for the teacher.
Despite all best intentions and encouragement, a few children may find coming to school causes some initial anxiety. Your child’s behaviour and communication style might appear to change overnight when they start school. Suddenly everything is ‘awesome’, or they’re rolling their eyes at everything you say. Your child is learning all kinds of new things from their friends and peers, so this is part of developing a unique identity.
If you find your child is experiencing difficulties, while not brushing their feelings aside, you should accentuate the positive. Phrase questions and commentary in ways that encourage a positive response, as this practice is good for changing negative mindsets.
Conversation starters
Talking about school with you child shows you’re interested in their day and their learning.
Pick a good time to start a conversation about school. When you can provide your full attention.
Simple, positive and specific questions about parts of the day can get your child talking. It’s good to use questions that invite more than a ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘OK’ response. For example:
What’s the news from school today?
What was enjoyable and, or fun?
What did you like best at school today?
What does your classroom look like at the moment?
What did you do in class after recess?
Who did you play or work with today?
What topics are you working on in the classroom?
Make time to talk. This can often be when you’re doing something with your child. For example, your child might like to talk when you’re walking the dog or preparing dinner together.
Give your child your full attention if they want to talk with you about their day.
Take seriously whatever your child tells you. For example, you can say things like, ‘That’s really interesting. Then what happened?’ or ‘And how do you feel about that?’
Use active listening techniques. These can help you pick up on your child’s feelings and work out whether they want to talk.
Your interest boosts your child’s mental health, happiness and wellbeing. It can also have a very positive effect on your child’s behaviour and achievement. It shows your child that you value school and education, which encourages them to value it too.
Talking together about school also helps you get to know more about what’s expected of your child at school, how they learn and how they handle challenges. It can help you understand when your child is feeling less interested in school or having problems.
When you’re in touch with your child’s feelings about school, you’re more likely to see problems before they get too big. This way you can work on overcoming challenges together.
Talking about school issues – like school projects or friendship problems – is also a great chance for you to express your family values about things like teamwork, respect for self and others, friendships, relationships, problem-solving and so on.
I borrowed these strategies from https://raisingchildren.net.au/ . Don't let a small issue become a big one. Your child's teacher will happily speak with you and work with you to overcome any issues. We all want the best for every child and will do all we can to get every student off to the best possible start.
Celebrations and sharing food
For reasons specific to food allergies and safety, as well as the significant financial impost brought to bear, families are respectfully requested that under NO circumstances are you to supply birthday cakes, cupcakes, sweets, gifts and toys etc on school grounds – including at the OSHC program. The teachers have lots of strategies to acknowledge special days.
I apologise in advance if this seems harsh, but the wellbeing of every student must be our primary concern. Consider celebrating birthdays and other events at a local park or in your own home.
Many of our students are anaphylactic and food allergens pose a very real threat.
Traffic Safety - The Kiss & Go zone
Traffic is a big issue for our school particularly at drop off and pick up.
The widening of Ailsa Grove at the bottom of the hill is for turning your cars in. It is not a parking spot. Please be patient and wait your turn to use the circle and resist the temptation to use neighbouring driveways. Please leave yourself enough time so you don’t have to rush.
Reversing has an inherent risk and increases the chance of an accident occurring.
The Kiss & Go zone is a short term stopping area where drivers are allowed to stop and park the vehicle for a short time – no longer than two minutes – while the student exits or enters the vehicle from the kerbside doors.
This enables students to walk between the car and the school, using the safety of the footpath. The zone operates during peak periods allowing parents to park their vehicles for up to two minutes outside the school gates.
Did you know?
This area is not a parking space and fines and demerit points apply if the driver leaves the vehicle unattended longer than 2 minutes. Bylaws officers patrol during these times.
Avoid leaving engines running as there are lungs at work.
The "Kiss 'n' Go" drop off zones aid traffic movement.
We are a registered SunSmart school and children must wear wide brimmed hats in Term One and Term Four. Children without hats will be directed to the shade cloth areas at the top of the school near the Waterdale Rd building. Hats are required for Physical Education classes and Sport.
Star of the Week awards will begin Monday 10th of February for Year 1 to Year 6 after the first complete week of school. Foundation Stars of the Week will begin later in February, once they have settled into their school routine and understand the concepts behind the values.
Thank you for your help over the holidays
We are justifiably proud of school and regular maintenance is required to keep the school clean, safe and a nice place to come to. Thank you to the West Ivanhoe Football Club for maintaining our magnificent oval. There is a Working Bee on the 22nd of February so please put it in your diary. Children appreciate and develop a greater sense of pride and ownership of their school when adults muck in and contribute to its beautifaction and safety.
2025 Term 1 Working Bee 1st of March 3pm-5pm
Please come along to our next Working Bee. Prior to the date a job sheet will be put up online and you will be able to see what needs to be done and where you can sign on. Children who help can earn house points and we usually put on a bbq.
2025 Diary Dates for the fridge
2025 Term Dates
Term 1: 28th January 29th January (Year 1- 6 students start 30th January and Foundation students begin 6th February) – 4th April (2:30pm finish)
Term 2: 22nd April – 4th July (2:30pm finish)
Term 3: 21st July - 19th September (2:30pm finish)
Term 4: 6th October - 19th December (1:30pm finish)
2025 Welcome Picnic - 7th February (5.30pm - 8pm on the oval)
Meet the Teacher (in person 10 minute timeslots) Wednesday the 19th of February
Parents Only Cybersafety Education Session Wednesday 5th of March - 6.30pm - 8pm
School Photos Friday 21st of March
Education Week Monday 12th to Friday 16th of May
Education WeekOpen Morning Wednesday 14th of May - 9.30am to 11.30am.TBC
2025 Camps Program dates
Grade 4 - Alexandra Adventure Resort - 17/11 - 19/11/25
Grade 5 - Sovereign Hill 20/10 - 22/10/2025
Grade 6 - Canberra Tour 06/10 - 10/10/2025
2025 Curriculum Days
Tuesday 28th January - Curriculum Day (teachers and staff only)
Wednesday 39th January - Curriculum Day (teachers and staff only)
Friday 6th June - Curriculum Day (teachers and staff only)
Wednesday 6th August - Curriculum Day (teachers and staff only) Parent Teacher conferences are on this day.
Monday 3rd of November - Curriculum Day / PPD (teachers and staff only)
2025 Working Bee dates
Term 1
1st March
3pm - 5pm
Term 2
17th May
3pm - 5pm
Term 3
16th August
3pm - 5pm
Term 4
8th November
3pm - 5pm
2025 School Council Meeting dates
Term 1
26th February
26th March
Term 2
30th April - single agenda item Annual Report
14th May
25th June
Term 3
13th August
10th September
Term 4
29th October
26th November
10th December SC Dinner
* 6.30 pm correspondence tabled for 7pm meeting start.
2025 Public Holidays
Monday 10th March - Labour Day
Friday 25th April - ANZAC Day
Monday 9th June - Kings Birthday
Friday before - AFL Grand Final - Date to be confirmed
Tuesday 4th - November Melbourne Cup
PFA Events & Community Building Opportunities
Please regularly refer to the PFA page in following editions of Inside Ivanhoe.
Some dates are yet to be confirmed.
Below are some "Save the dates" for this year's events.
Welcome Picnic Friday 7th February
Mother's Day stall Wednesday 7th May
Mother's Day Breakfast Thursday 8th May
Disco Friday 25th July
Trivia Saturday May TBC
Father's Day stall Wednesday 3rd September
Father's Day Breakfast Thursday 4th September
Biennial IPS Fair Saturday 22nd November
End of Year Picnic Friday 12th December
The next PFA meeting is Tuesday 18th of March in the Staffroom at 7pm (enter off Waterdale Rd).
School Council
Please consider joining School Council. The notice of election is in this newsletter on the "Join IPS School Council" page which is dedicated to providing information and nomination materials. There is a fact sheet link on that page. If you require further information please feel free to call me on 9499 1880.
Nomination forms can be downloaded from the Join School Council Page of this news letter or from reception. Please get your nomination in by 4pm on Thursday 13th of February.
Be Proud Of yOUR School
Remember our school values are: Respect, Persistence, Independence, Resilience and Confidence.
Talk about these and model them for your child. It will help bring these concepts to life and make them more meaningful.
It is incumbent on all of us to bring these values to life and present them in ways that make sense to children. Here are some examples.
Persistence - Not giving up when things become challenging.
Persistence is not giving up, having more than one go at something, trying again when you get something wrong or just practicing to do your best.
Resilience - Being able to recover quickly from setbacks.
Resilient people often feel good about themselves. There is a difference between people who bounce back easily and those who get frustrated. If you can learn to bounce back you’ll do better at everything in life.
Confidence - Believing in yourself and what you can achieve.
Self-confidence is the belief in yourself and in your abilities. That you can do it. When you experience success, you feel good inside and you want to do better.
Independence – Being able to achieve things on your own.
Our aim is to ensure that every student is able to develop into an adult capable of looking after themselves, to thrive on the challenges that life throws at us, to experiment sensibly with risks and develop your own ways of doing things successfully.
Respect - Showing consideration for others.
Respect is thinking and acting in a way that shows others you care about their feelings and their well-being.
Rest assured that behaviours that disrupt learning and teaching will not be tolerated.
Finally - Slips, trips and falls
Rain has washed dirt and mud onto and around the entrances to the school. This week Tate St was hardest hit and while we have removed much of the debris, the surfaces will remain a little slippery until they dry out. Monitoring these steps will now be a regular task for Leo our maintenance person. If you see a hazard, please report it to the school office.
Stay safe, look after each other and thank you for supporting our great school.