P & F News

2024 P & F Association – A Year in Review

This year, the P & F Association (P & F) have placed a strong focus on community events that foster connection and support with the school. The highlights for 2024 include the annual Mother’s Day and Father’s Day stalls, a Pie Drive organised through Watson’s Kitchen and a Family Movie Night. While the Colour Run didn’t go ahead as planned, our wonderful community still came together to support the P & F BBQ fundraiser. 


Earlier this year the P & F conducted a parent survey to gather feedback and assist with future planning. Families were invited to share their opinions and the different suggestions are currently being reviewed. 


The P & F have significantly supported our school, including aiding with the cost of the Year 6 Excursion and preparing thoughtful gifts for the Year 6 families departing our school at the end of the year. These efforts are deeply valued and do not go unnoticed.


We would like to acknowledge everyone who has been involved with the P & F events this year. Whether you have turned up on the day to help out or spent time behind the scenes getting things ready, your time is greatly appreciated! These events cannot take place without our volunteers or contributors so a BIG thank you for your help! 


Looking ahead to 2025, the P & F is eager to welcome additional members to join the association and help with ideas and planning. A Back to School BBQ on Friday 28th February will start the year with a strong sense of community and excitement for the year ahead. 


The P & F’s dedication and hard work throughout 2024 is greatly appreciated. We look forward to getting involved and seeing what is in store for next year.




While the Colour Run couldn’t go ahead as planned due to the lovely rain, that didn’t stop our school community from coming together and enjoying the P & F BBQ fundraiser. 


Thank you to everyone who gathered under the COLA to support the P & F and share a fantastic lunch together.


A huge thank you to the P & F for organising the yummy sausage sizzle as well as the parents who helped out with serving on the day.