Wellbeing News

This term, 11 students in 5/6 have been selected to participate in the High Ability Program, facilitated by Virtual Schools Victoria. These students are participating in either the English or the Maths program.

In the English course, students have been developing their capacity as writers and have been exploring  concepts of the hero and anti-hero. They have been investigating links between reality and fiction by observing the world around them and their journeys into fictional worlds. 

In the maths course, students are encouraged to embrace the ‘why’ of maths, not just the ‘what’. They have been exploring numbers from across time and are diving into implications of mathematical topics. 

We look forward to sharing some of the VHAP work with families and our community.


The Tournament of Minds team selection will begin at the beginning of June. Teams are to be comprised of 7 members. Teams will be developed based on the interests and the strengths of each student and the challenge they are interested in. Teams can select to complete the challenge in the following areas:

  • The Arts – Visual and performing arts
  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
  • Language Literature
  • Social Sciences - A journey through the moral and ethical issues confronting society in the 21st Century.

In the coming weeks, all students will be informed of the opportunity to participate in the ToM challenge. Hayley Wedge and Elisha Katsonis will work with these students to prepare for the challenge. The challenge details will be released on the 12th July, and from this date, students will have 6 weeks to formally prepare for the challenge.  More information to come!


TOM - Getting Involved - Parents


Elisha Katsonis, Assistant Principal