2, 11 and 23

David Hall, Head of 10 - 12 Campus

Welcome Back



Prime factors: 2, 11 and 23.  


This is only my 3rd year with 23 as a prime factor and for many of our students here at Holloway, they will be in in their 40's the next time it happens. There is a bit of work to be done before we get to 2047, so best we get started on what I believe will be an amazing year for the classes of 2024 to 2026, and this incredible campus.

What brings success?

I do enjoy talking with students within our creative arts fields.  They seem to have a strong understanding of the 'work for reward' principle.  Dancers understand better than most that it takes years to learn set baseline skills, then months to fully digest and refine choreography before, what invariably results in a 3 minute performance.  Months and months of work, years of preparation - all for a short time under the light.   


VCE is the same. 


The effort that you put into your studies at the start of of any year compounds as that year progresses.  With this in mind I would like to ask all of our students, at all levels of learning, a simple question:  


Do you want to do well?


It is not a question that I need an answer for out loud.  It is a very personal and private question that you must ask yourself as you approach this part of your secondary schooling.  If you answer is anything like: 'yeah, sure, of course I would like to do well - who wouldn't' then, if I am not being too presumptuous, I would like to suggest a few small things that you could do to achieve that inner goal.


  1. Accept the risk.  There is a risk that the goal you have set will not be reached.  You have to accept that risk and push for the goal regardless.
  2. Show up.  You have to be here, ready to listen & learn, every day.
  3. When you don't know something, ask.   Ask your teacher, ask a friend, ask a tutor at homework club - just make sure you keep asking questions.

This is all very much at the heart of what it is to be an agentic learner.  To have agency and voice within your academic journey.


VCE @ Sandy evening

Thank you to all of the parents that braved the heat last Wednesday to attend the VCE @ Sandy evening.  We had around 150 parents, students and friends of the College attend and we all somehow managed to fit into the air conditioned comfort of the new meeting room in our brilliant new build.


Some key links:

A couple of take-aways: