Council Elections & Parents' Association

School Council Election 2024  

Sandringham College is currently in the process of holding elections for the College Council.  The Sandringham College School Council members provide the College with important viewpoints that can help shape the future of the school.  Council members also have the opportunity to join sub-committees which contribute to and shape decisions relating to Sandringham College. 


Composition of Council: Our Council comprises a total of 11 members.  There are four separate membership categories:  Parent members (4), Department of Education and Training employee members (3), Community members (2) and Student members (2).



In 2024 we have two vacancies in the Parent member category. As the number of nominations exceeded the vacancies a ballot will be held to elect the parent representatives.  All members of the parent community will be posted a ballot paper which must be completed and returned to the school by Monday 18th March 2024.  If you have not received a ballot paper to your current postal address please contact the school and the information can be emailed to you/collected from the Admin office.

Membership category 
Parent member - 2 vacancies


Term of Office:  The term of office is for two years commencing from the declaration of the poll.


Meetings :  Meetings are generally held on the third Tuesday of the month commencing at 7.00pm with at  least 8 meetings per year.


Parents' Association - Let's get it back up and running!

Following COVID-19, we have had a two year hiatus with our Parents' Association. We recognise that coming out of COVID, parents needed to focus on supporting their children to adjust to heading back into school after significant time spent at home.


As Principal of Sandringham College, I value the great community we have and our relationship with our parent community, I know all of my staff feel the same.  We would really like to reignite our Sandringham College Parents' Association (SCPA). Moving forward, I would like to see less of a focus on fundraising, and more of a focus on supporting our programs - particularly our co-curricular programmes. An example of the great work done by our parents in 2023 included - working bees, costume and sets for the school production, a Bunning's Sausage Sizzle, running the 2nd hand uniform shop, and parents taking our students to Tasmania for the Robotics! All of this was done without a formal parent association.


I am proposing we actively ask parents to support in the following ways and that parents who are a part of the SCPA opt into one or more areas:


Friends of the environment - parents running 2-3 working bees per year 

Friends of the Arts - parents assisting with costumes, sets, front of house for dance, music nights and the school production.

Friends for families- 1 x Bunnings Sausage sizzle and the School Second hand uniform shop

Parent Social Event - 1 social event per year 


We would require some leaders for each area to coordinate groups and to work with myself, Viv and David. If you are interested in being a part of the SCPA, we will be holding a meeting for parents at Bluff Road on Wednesday 13 March at 7pm in the Discovery Centre.


Please indicate your interest below in joining the SPCA and re-invigorating our great parents' group.