Sport Report

2024 swimming carnival

Sport in 2024

How to apply for a team:

  • All sports teams will be advertised on Compass via a post from Erin Carter (Sports Coordinator)
  • Students will fill out a Microsoft Form which will be linked in the Compass post *Students must be logged into their @schools Office account to fill out the form

Team selection:

  • From the sign-up forms, the Sport Coordinator will assign coaches to the sports on offer that term
  • Students will be contacted via Compass and/or email about training or try outs
  • If demand is high, try outs will be held before/during/after school. eg: 22 students sign up for a cricket team, a selection process is required
  • If the interest level meets the team size, the team will automatically be selected. eg: if 9 students sign up for the netball team, then all 9 students are selected

Payment and permission:

  • Once team lists are finalised an 'event' is created on Compass
  • Parents/carers will receive an email from Compass
  • Permission needs to be granted for each sport event
  • Each sports team that a student is a part of is $20. This covers part of the transport fees and emergency teacher replacement
  • Payment and permission must be made 3 business days before the sporting event. Failure to do this will see the student not attend and the possibility of the team being cancelled

Uniform and equipment:

  • Students will compete in their Physical Education or Sports Academy uniforms
  • If it's appropriate, students will be provided with a numbered jersey on the day of competition. This jersey will be returned at the end of day and washed by the Sports Coordinator
  • If students have their own rackets/bats etc, they are welcome to use them. Otherwise the college will provide all equipment and protective wear (with the exclusion of mouth guards and cricket boxes)
  • Students are NOT allowed to compete in leggings or non-school shorts/pants. Navy blue shorts can be provided if required

Who to contact if you have further questions:

Erin Carter - Sport Coordinator

*days of work: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday


Well done to our senior boys, intermediate boys, year 7 boys and intermediate girls cricket teams who have already competed this year. Our intermediate girls team made it to the grand final but unfortunately didn't get the win this time.

Lawn Bowls

On Monday 26th February, our college competed in the annual Kingston Divison lawn bowls competition. Although all Kingston schools are invited to compete, it is usually just Sandringham College and McKinnon Secondary College who compete. 2024 wasn't our year overall but some teams had some great wins and Mr Hiotis had a great day, in the sunshine, with students from years 7 - 12.

College Swimming Carnival

The College Swimming Carnival was held on Wednesday 21st February. The sun was shining and the students were keen to get in the pool! 


This opt-in event saw just less than 70 students swim their hearts out to be selected for the Kingston Division squad. Students who gained first place ribbons will be selected for the squad in addition to the top four students from each 50m freestyle event to form our 4x50m relay teams.


The college would like to recognise Tex M of year 9 who gained 6 first place ribbons at the carnival. Well done Tex!