Humanities Domain 

Mark Fernandez - Humanities Domain Leader

A focus on the words

In the Humanities domain, all teachers have participated in professional development sessions focusing on fostering consistent language usage throughout the curriculum from Year 7 to Year 12. These sessions emphasised the utilisation of Tier 2 (Command Terms) and Tier 3 (Subject-Specific) vocabulary. This strategic approach aims to enhance student comprehension and provide them with a framework for effectively structuring their written responses.


I would like to spotlight the amazing Year 10 students in the elective course titled "You in the Market Place." Students are learning about sustainable economics and financial literacy. Throughout this course, Year 10 students delve into concepts such as needs, wants, and resources, with a particular emphasis on sustainable resource management practices. 


Among the myriad of engaging activities incorporated into the curriculum, one standout project completed thus far involved the students in the creation of functional or artistic pieces utilising recycled materials. Presented below are examples of the innovative and skilfully crafted items produced by these industrious students.