Mathematics Domain

Estelle Ashkar - Mathematics and Numeracy Domain Leader

Year 7-9

It has been a busy start to the academic year for our year 7 to 9 students! Year 7 students have spent the start of the term learning about Integers and Algebra, the Year 8’s have been delving into the wonderful world of Indices and the Year 9 students have had a focus on Statistics and Probability. The SEAL students have been focusing on a range of topics, and have stepped up to the challenge, using their problem solving and reasoning skills to work in groups to solve challenging problems.


Students are encouraged to attend Maths Club on a Tuesday at lunch time in the Discovery Centre (Think Tank), for a quiet place to work on maths, with support from maths teachers.


As a maths team, we encourage students to improve their numeracy skills whenever they can. See below, some tips that may help your child at home:

  • A times table chart on the back of the toilet door (a classic!)
  • Having a go at the daily Nerdle -
  • Guiding your child to have an ongoing schedule for completing their weekly homework sheet.
  • Challenging a parent, sibling or friend to a Countdown - 

Year 10-12

Students at the Holloway Campus across all Mathematics pathways are working hard on their respective units. Further to this, year 10 – 12 maths teachers would like to encourage all students who would like any extra support to attend Homework Club, on a Wednesday after school and Maths Club, at lunch time on a Tuesday (in room 13).

Problem-Solving Focus

All maths teachers at Sandringham College have been working on promoting ‘Thinking Classrooms’ in our lessons throughout this term, and this will be a continued focus throughout the rest of the year, as well as a more prominent focus on vocabulary. Our aim is to teach an understanding of mathematics through using thinking-based problems and we are excited to see this progress throughout the year, as well as the students ability to interpret maths specific vocabulary.